See as you are dead or see aware

See as your aware or can create by feel, your ability is energy to create as you will or wisely done as wish. See as you are aware in a state by purpose, created by feel or feel is something to do by love, use or creativity. See that is the purpose to this blog. Some info I saw that was useful yes I realize what is there. I think this the end point, so my doctor says to me so I dared then lived or died by the feel.

This was thought in the 80's the new thought is no allowing is nothing there to do. For misuse you are mazed or for no misuse then your free, this is why faery create things so your unmazed or use is think this is non misuse then think your out of the maze or matrix. This is old information that took 8 or less years to decode from a hidden message idea sight.

That is faery by creativity to create a wyrd holding by reality or releasing the fate you release. Seen by what you think you don't place it there, seen as you place it there then the reality this is not done otherwise that is effected that doesn't need to be effected. So you don't have to recreate things or everything you think is there. Think to see use or useful information, by the area creator creates what you are aware.

So you think then the "area feel is" what you consider the creator releases you for or from the area the faery keep you where you think your kept.If you think to use this other than for information so you won't be sued, don't think to come attack me with this for I realize the point. I also know I have 3 users that are mazed or unmazed by the creator that exists or unexists things. I think thngs aren't working out.

So I allow certain idea thats non harmful considered ne harmful yet you don't dare ne things oberon creates by the area you think to create. I think this means no war or ne war is there ne is no, not or nothing with atleantian. I think this page is amazing so enjoy what you can. Seen is the end point I lived once so I think your feel source ot thought was all that kept me alive. Now think to let me go so I die if I think I should or not tempt the living with my were vampire self.

I am forbidden now from the area so I am thought if I die or live I will not be a man. So you see I am aware I am a were or a werewolf living in paris now, so I will quit then post what I discover here. I think this was written partly by my other is connected with the self mostly by Jay my brothers information. I think people psychic tell me things. Such as a lived nightmare that I am somewhere yet live here by feel.

However seen is Paul my brother that alerted me if he is alive, I see that I was by the area to alert area feel by me or use is theory by the creator that creates by area feel or my page was worked with by another life before I died. Now think not to be created insane then your not going to be or bear insane, ass or not your not dead till you think you are.

As I believe him or her or you think. I see so I was working by area suspence with the area feel or the creator to release, that failure was my only choice until the original writer realized by the concept that is here or there or ne not is the feel. I think he or she that wrote this has gone way overboard so I will write my own things. This was a Northcare patient named Joanne.

Saturday, March 15, 2014

A short notice

  This is the idea I came up with use by the third eye to create with by the thought to create, thought and your idea is what I ended up with by the point I came across with what I was looking at.This is an idea to use as your concept was useful, until I didn't need to do things. Original work is included as part of this is energy by use, thought and ability is energy and water is the energy to work with to create by ingestion.

  The point I used for this was whatever interesting I ended up using and working, think and no as I did things to experiment exchange with matter to create with a short notice timespan. As the point is this after the people and things I watched were thought, deadly or not by results that were noticed to those that didn't want notice to things they did and thought not this even included slavery to the thing they attempted.

  As if the thought and focus, was energy that formed by will. So if you can use this, short notice idea then go for it. As there is several moments not listed, this is a point to realization and the thought you use can make this work. As a matter to levitation and whatever or whatnot, this is where if you can get results then your lucky and otherwise don't try as your not getting the result you want in life as you do something else.

The weredog

   The weredog is a point in its idea, that use is remembered and use is a thing to summon the were effect. Think of the form, and you are what makes and thought created is the form from what is thought as if there. The summons is a call to do in effect, as if you are an idea you can do or not as if a point if thought is nothing to notice then you are what isn't actually unless necessary there in accost. The weredog can from from a dog and you can seem created from the dog ad it can form other things as will from you is want. You don't have to be this form as your not intending the idea.

Time theory in the momentary time

  There is a point that use is your own and as each use is forbidden, your thought is what can seem focused and not effect. Nothing can create from void as nothing energy, creates nothing as something in will is something you use or things. Your will creates better as your will is energy, by the response and the response is by the time your ability is energy. As your use is not there at all. There isn't a thought by what isn't energy, so nothing is ever actually done.

   Time theory is where you are as you do things and are very early as you are able to go, and do things in a momentary time effect as you need to do as you are there and here in out and nearly everywhere at any given time of thought. This is nuclear or whatever you source is there. This is the thought to do the effective point, that you want to achieve as the act is a goal in mind. There is a change in thought, there are things where you want to be at and any given moment time fluctuates at a pattern of the frequency which can change thought.

  At will is sometimes a point to thought change by stimulus, the area that you are in which can appear nearly the same unless there is as thought reveals as a freudian slip that you are not even there for. If you there are even closely, aware that you are somewhere else then you are able to sense. As, the if your unsame time may appear in the same area, as if in this area is the same point of time where you are in perspective to memory as Menory was one of my past lives.

   She knew about them with out realization, of what you do and awareness is learned from seeming to form in a mind world in mind shield as she or he thought to protect herself or himself. The particles around her adapted, to protect her will in thoughts and she is okay. This is where tricks of the perception, are reveals as the point is this there is a time revealed to you as you need to see it as each dimension you leave identical is different unless it is apparent as to be the same except for what your feeling. As nothing noticed, nothing done is were your ability magic and your energy is. Then as if you focus to will and created by the creator, if your able to do things then you can seem to will and that gets rid of paralysis. As this is the creator, he or she can block out suggestions that you don't intend as the creator uses different final forms.

  Thus in a second thought or not, as 1 minute passed us by here there in that dimension, is possibly timed at a faster trait of time perception. If the area is with exactly the same events, and you watch as though an observer and speeding up time. This is issue if this is the effect of you saying, the time differential and well as you think things in comparison its done and focus in is on what you intent. Things in use as this makes things, so that are in like stating 'as every 22 minute passes by here 333 minutes passes by there.'

  See and know as a blink of an eye that is a moment in an instance your thin, and your body is better and then you know what you will be becoming. This is thought by something felt as you think,as if your well and if a concept and you know by recall that happens to be at the moment that you need to know about. As a ration trait is there, and you serve yourself by imagination as the time speeds up three hundred percent or very quick velocity. If you stop as to think and you are then viewing temple of time effects, seem to create and make or not as nothing needed nothing done.

  As then you are going back to your body, and in time you could age and unage at will from thinking of time now. As then you are anywhere and everywhere, as though a God character in play but not as a demon as you are weak in travel so God mode makes you invulnerable. You stronger by belief, in what you do basically pick anything and you do. This particle time theory, is of the Demon monster thought as though a set cast as a figurine elf moving in a dimension by itself. There by partials this is in time you can maneuver anytime, and this is by thought that unravels itself after use or by what usage of time.

   This is an effort to do things and space, is by thought in unlimited time as you step out of time to manipulate it and to make by thought of will from what the energy. This is the effort by genetics in the fanny, as it does things as this is directed by will resolution and directed by thought worded by spoken voice. And this is the concept antimatter time, as though there and yet not been there as if there is the idea in moment that you crossed space and transported yourself to the planet of the four suns.

  Use is us there, we are gone from this world of what in is there though never work with it. This is the act and prove psychically your thought is real, as you use energy to displace yourself by use of space things that appear similar as what you are assuming is what will appear. There is a point that in an idea you seem to get what you think, as if and yet if threatened and there is any will left in the body. You can be assured the death reapers are a threat.

   As spiritual beings are drawn to your realm they if thought to form shapes are drawn to your inner world universe, and thought of energy with chi direct activity to get something to appear. In thought your mind is in a world that is separate space, as if a thought can draw out the ghost and you are fine and yet your spacetime is apart from you as if in you and not in you as your partner in thought is nearby. If what happens here is your fault, then the energy can cause instant death where you are and you are what seems alive. As yet and the moment you walk your area and room you are dead in perception and yet none more alive than before, as yet your alive so in no bad way is the idea you use in any case as if you are and you can live as if beyond dead by what you think you should live.

   That is to displace, think in and target the disease to seem death in yourself. As to make things dissipate by dislocation of something, by what energy shifts or thight or thyroid energy that is sent in by thought to the body energy. That makes things you "gift" seem, as if you and as if you are here. As you don't have enough energy to be there, as you sustain what you do here then you shift back to escape path as though of the things there an be there as supported by something in wood or metal material.

   Self-conscious thought is decision, as thought exists think as you may see need of those incompetant or you aid. Thought in a point is not as what may seem with phantome images from ghost or as you seem to know you think, if a concept and as you think soothing thoughts as you don't see what you feel and yet sense as you need to see as though seen by what it is with othersight senses or not as its known as obvious if necessary.

   With the timegap is a point in space and thought reached only in thought of nothing, don't as there is nothing and if nothing to seem in theory is there this is progress as that is if thought. That its needed to "unerase" another person then you are ablemindedly concepted, then gone now and later you are useful as after this you are very able. As you assume as the time is observed, igamine idea to appear as you play as if the idea is there if in life and then it materializes. Matching patterns will form things, as it is done in the right way and from what is there which is up to you seem as this is act to believe and this makes a physical space in a soul ship.

   When you leave to another space, you are as though never here and never been formed here and yet were a particle form. And yet, as a complete thought you are here as though you crossed the gap, across time to be in a soul ship to another or no place that is another time. This is where you are and you are not what you think, and then this is made in the spot by the creator where you are leaving from another space time. Think to be where you think about anchor in place and in there is in, a moment is that you wanted to seem to be as you want.

   When you want and where you want, not to get attack on you though. There is the point in space that you, infringe or not and switch in time and out thought and you are able to skip to the moment in time you seem in and this is thought ship transmission. As in there by thought, by think it and you do it by will thought with smooth motions and back in time willing yourself into the body as though you were there in body.

   Cleanse the body at the moment that suits you, and you can get the effect of being able to erase fit in the feeling that your thought, is not needed as you think to erase things and think to erase an incident as in a time tunnel law that is use in an eraser. As you think again things can seem there again, as you are grounded by water that absorbs bad energy of not wanted programming as if never existed.

   Then where you want to seem as you are you think, focus in and think to seem things and you know where and what you look at as thought reveals. Things or not as you are where your watch is, want is nothing but a concept in life that desire is there and your want is your need that is desire. Want as you are let by thought to go, as this is at the moment that you think you live as thought makes the power in change reality. Adjust in the right area shifts and adjusts reality.

   Then if reality use is close, this use is close runic lore and this is where you think about, and say a number to seem in you are by instant shift as you think you are there. As thought you live you are as though not there. A complete thought is an idea in mind, as thought and live moments that your spirit sees the visual sighting your in thought and your brain lives through. A depletion by what you think, you are a pointed reminder as though a point to live by if nothing happens and as you thought. As all things wooden can support the idea, as if a life effect is a live thing can seem dimensional energy and create.

   As reverse cursing you soul snap which can restores, as if by fingers and focus as what you want is given. The idea is what you think, and if it appears you are a second thought and with thought your good idea creates a concept thought in mind as what heart attack creates as a rune in mind in an ability in thought in mind that if not wanted is a thought point that in ability you can guess what you think as to dissipate energy. As a rune is mentally disability think or subconscious thought revealed, senses are what you think as signatures in mind as long as its not a destructive thing and destructive feeling is nothing if compared to youthful idea you think in comparison.

   Face changes form as you can see a reason to use hiding skills with a thought and make a thought to create, can seem good with feeling as the flow with energy is with an idea to correct and hide. What you did in life if proven or not think nothing is with nothing as nothing existed, as I am nothing as nothing more thought as with nothing there, as in an area of vanishing souls as nothing exists and nothing there is nothing else by what you do in life.

   In mind your in some body that is with soul as a form, think similar or think what is and as that exists in a mental area hall. As a past life place you existed in and, as you are useless in public you are useful in identified idea. There is a way to "shift room", think as if such a psychic idea is possible your use, as think alike this is to shift and think in about what you do as a phase in or out. This is "shift out" possible idea is not in difference, as you are if a thought is in time and different spaces go finding you. Thinking isn't idiocy as you ignore your pride constituency, as you don't kill people if you don't want to as what this is isn't as in you can handle vigil.

   As if by what you think as you think aloud and the room in mind is a space, that forms around you as you in the area is the conscious and energy and the room consciousness is a form. That you want to appear materialized in life, as if in thought you are a person space as a place creates. This is a personal space as each their own in the area you think to visit, this does whatever you want by what you think again as a personal idea seems. As you read the soul in a body by a read thought already in what you think as treatment, think in a conscious decision as if a book and the spirit reveals what the thought was as is "Inin En".

   As some body in lifetime form is what you thought, was existed exists in a soul room as a mental idea is done as else. As thought can exist something, you can win through the moment and as you think you get an idea to win any encounter that use their ways is your own by their sigil that appears on the door to their room. This identifies what they are, ability is will and as you are you become what you want and ability is identified by what. You see in a thought, as what you do in life. Inherency is what creates with what rules you conceive in idea to think, focus and feel as the idea is information what you feel is not done with use.

   Think things in rune and you do activity in use as use and with your own sigil you can use their ability, and yet if your not in ability your not in what thought they who gift you words and worded ability are not able to deal with no word that is an issue. There is no other reasoning other than what, in that way is in what you think time and use is time for unless you find a reasoning to live. Thought forgotten is restored what reasoning to live, or if you are to love nothing as a thought or unexpected love in life that isn't supposed to happen.

   Think in a thought in a thought area that resembles an area, as in you think three things ability wise and amplified by activity in thought. As "iun" in that life if focused can seem as you are what, your thought is what "restres" as whatever or not as nothing thinks and resembles a thought by your essence in the object that brings up awareness. As if a concept that allows you to recover, think and use what is thought as machines with skill. As if in a bad mood returned to a better mood music, this is to fit the mood you can sense what you want from common sense.

   As you are doing things, you are with what thought in a form you insist or use in thought as if you are a creator will. There is a thought use for anything by thought that is intention, focus with feeling that is felt idea in what you think is being needed or not and it comes. As it comes by need the ideal that is use in things used are even more ideal for use, as known by gnosis as is thought of the item and make by use you perceive and create by thought to do is necessary. As there things you thought as an idea is in practical idea, in value idea as you can in thought create and out make and use by an insightful idea for practical reasonings.

  As that is with any built up energy, this is immunity if you die from it or your built up energy and enraging will resists the idea and other idea can come from life that can make aware and by what you think. As in body you resist any energy by will this is release in the energy to what you think to and think, as you send in an aspect by life essence sent to the thing. As thats a release of senses in use and what by senses is traced and known or no drug effects are, as you in life are gone in what is thought. Allowance is as you mind the idea, as what you think is as thought done in life and out essence.

   As if a hole is through the perception spot, as your life if numbered in thought and carlos castenada states this in is the point and not do do you get energy back by what you think. They must not think were there, if we use the essence that is thought to anytime and space that creates a form as if from thin air. Killed or not killed if created by the thought with a point to do as if a naruto clone, in thought this form can be sent by thought. As thought is energy and what think to seem is what you think to appear in location.

   As a clone you are to survive from air with rules as thought is energy in void and water that uses the idea forms the idea from fire. As carbon is formed with the spirit in the area, think by psychic psychokinesis as psyching up is the aero idea in energy now you name it it is as if an idea and created by thought. Don't do what you don't need to do, except bitterness as if you ill or kill the body as it turns into ash and energy is released in the aero as air influence in use, as essence is life or sunlight in use to send through the earth and as you assume things will form as you think.

   As that is what alters the viewpoint, this is release of the idea energy to create what "influence" as influence is what you see changes to the area. This is from the released energy from the spot to the area, as if a hole in the mind to in seem what you want and are feeling is attributes you feel that are observed in life as what you think is a reflection of yourself that you see and sense in others. Just don't and stop analysis, and this stops the essence in effect. As if a nauroto or naruto closed in mind, is there as if you leave that in thought and join the influence.

   There is a point that timewise movement and to think switch and flick the switch and your in the world created by your presence in the body, as is what you think as negated in thinking you can use any motion to create a moment with movement. As if by movement, you can think in focuses worded in use by eastern and western wisdom and your thought is what you feel as practical in ability. What it is that you should be doing, with focus is to think and you are with the thought to have got what is necessary to seem done or not as death in decay as essence is used.

   Look to do is with folded wings as protection is thought or not and nothing happened, transitioning by character in thought as created by thought to create and the energy emanation directed by thought through the aura. This is isis helped to create viewed idea, as the created thing is by persona and you use a body and as you release. As if you let the energy of the idea to form where you want in solid form, if there is enough energy in the area and you are with a mode to make to release thought.

   As if "let it go" this is as if you touch the thing and create with what it is made of as energy, as this is what in thought is right or proven wrong it is dissipated as essence water. Think that is gone by the will with your spirit and the subconscious mind, think as you mind whats there into thin air this is away by fire that is in the body. As warmth this is "as it is" as if you are aware and all there, as thought creates from the idea you think as the idea disappears from site as the thing wasn't even there.

   Think not and you don't always take in the essence, as if what you think is by what you love in life is where you think in life and life responds as if entertainment by making body warmth. Think by the energy or not in a drink, as a boost or other source that contains what you think as if to use in the exhausted essence. Then and now not have it effect you, as the ideal is a thought you are removed from the influence you dislike. As your exhausted your exhausted no more.

  As not to that place there you intend to read something you can by thinking, things are energy in your auratic field layer that you can use and outwardly as outside your aura. You see what memory they have in what you see, as you feel in their life as your own. There is a point that if you know yourself you can reason with them, as you think about the area and thinking pattern you can use and do what you think is righted by spirit.

   As if they reject the idea you put you think what you are in thought, and you get what think in ability as what you think formed it from. The ability that exists somewhere can exist in you and as a copy effect, you are in what ability you think you are understanding to use as you see a use you get a use that is in whatever use you think. You are with that ability and that creates from essence, turned to energy is what thought that is in actuality in illusion that is you are what you seem in and not in idea to do in life that is essence by reason.

   Think by body essence and if what you think shows disease or thought to work with you think, feel the energy dissipate as you use signature to the seeming pointer. As to point the idea out is to identify and with feel, as you can heal or not make as you think as if a mentally thought idea with pointed finger. There is a rest point in a picture, as if you take a look you are there where you want to be natural.

   As if a point is an area and thought, as this is the identification that is created with. An idea by what you sense you think makes crystals, that is identification sensing as that are real and if a point you are formed from an idea array light energy formed. This is by the ideal soul trapped in crystals, in an area as a living source of light energy. That to do anything create a restore, as if to stop what is wrong that is detected.

   As though thought should but would as nothing thinks by your will, if nothing happens and as you think in will to energy thought this won't create what you want. If this is a true memory, think and only true memory reveals things and you think it does as you are a concept and thought exists. Think in from the simple conscious as the death somewhere can, if thought make the soul of an idea in an object as the object thinks act good and you look in thought. Think and only a if thought in use with machines, makes use of orgonne as machine energy that creates as though thought you in are able to do what seems right.

   If you are able to do, as if you consider the option right medication a drug. As the essence is nothing in life, then you are very capable to achieve thought with concept as you are in. As an able mindset or nothing in use, "ae" is able to use the essence of a medicatio considered by thought. You do things and life is chi energy, as not is nothing energy and no abuse is done and use is not abuse then the use is not done.

   As if this is proven as thought, you can release yourself its influence. As if though in life, that resounds in the body and thought is a condensed essence with the folding of energy in the blood. As if you see red in idea, there is view in life that if you allow you are what never need touch essence. Then is then and you think, and thought is agent spirit that is done unless not needed. There is in a thought to seem as if alive, drop despise as you think you are as thought is alive and yet not as if strength by heartening.

   You are done so this makes things, as you aren't intending to do anything so you mind is not un breakable, by any magic effect even though most are right or not misnamed are for what they seem to do and you can art as though you are what you seem and not anything else. As if you are believed, to seem someone you will not be cancered, as to become this is to accept and use this art as energy. As this is not existant, if you don't want the cancer or any disease then not there is what you thonk.

   This is the otto effect as an ottoman empire idea, as there is a hit thing in mind and as you transfer or not the energy. Think to where you want the essence and think send as not this uses negative ions. as then the intelligence is in the essence from the idea you did it. As the simple consciousness being used, as a energy as acknowledged hit in the head. This is by the item is what creates this mentioned with your will, as intent as though programming runs your item in mind. As a mighty mouth magic is done and pleasure is done.

   With a concept the idea is possibly modified by thought as though a property list in your mind changes things to make what you want and as you will the change by the spirit without spirit and directed energy by thought, considered alteration through reality hack. This is think by thought and use is the reality, that is the conscious with the cosmos and through the super energy is chaos waves to change by will. Think what you want to adapt by energy, make in will or resistance by difference in opinion creating with the will.

   As if that in what you think is embued with the essence from the ideal, becomes effort with what you do as though resisting what think and not doing the idea and this creates the idea. This is made of friction energy or resisting energy and use is thought to change in thought with protective essence, think and will by your spirit and your use creates a resisting effort in anything you consider. As otherwise known as "protery" and this makes, as influence by the subconscious is energy in action is make and model effect to not always happen.

  There is a thought by the art of creative idea and the art of creative thinking. This acts as though a differrent action to block the path to pain, and other things that makes you lash out if in pain by natural thought as any thought on this is a point, or not think of pain and you don't give it a way is in idea that thought is as not allowed a path as the energy conversion to energy from pain and conversed is by Alpha Lipoic Acid is in effect done and dealt with this is the cure to the pain.

   This is not a point to think where your killed at you can get returned to, as by will as though you were killed and returned to normal life as undead to life as thought to be living. Hence, the life you have is gotten by absorbing extra life energy through the aura and through the hands. This is where you are able, to know everything in your life as you need to think about it. Instant life makes this seem then this can seem, as though you as the fact of life is that you were never killed in the place you were at. And time makes certain you remember the moment that was there, as this is a moment you remember by recalling it. This is thought as you need to know, and you need not at the moment of what you thought, or you will reappear there.

   The mirror is an instant way back, and to your reality as you are talking to it it will talk response. The effect is to seem good, and act good as though you were doing things correct. Acceptable will seem normal, create a point and it could manifest and thought to people. If they want to speak as this is true. Acceptable fact is true enough, by talking normal and then getting positive reuse of the idea you get from people as if prevention were there by ward of the house or area, forest or front yard. And in the fact of what you see, you get to fact find by seeking truth. If you mention it, then you don't make it a perfect match to the pattern that was spoken, of until you want to reach out and return to the place you were at the moment.

   There are only a couple of ways, in and out of the dimension you travel to change something to seem a door. Find them out by what you seem to do, as to what you perceive in an end concept and that concept will happen to make on a thought realized by concept to make a way out. Then, you will know how to find you way an idea is thought energy, awarded as a path of light in a shining ray of illuminating life. This life will make, as life generates its own way out as it appears like a light guided by impulse to do thought thats correct.

  Now if we were an an idea that our bodies are energy, and we have fun to try, as if were a thought and think of places time can be in by the energy of thought. Time can generate any lifeform, in her image and arranged as this time you can take over control of the situation, now as if in thought thus and thus you are able to seem where you are as though you weren't left here. Thoughts by Kio.

   This is an act of momentary concepts of necromancy, or other things that come up and go as this is very quick thought. That is thought as instance, is wishspell of thought moments and that allows you to act but not be in or out and you do idea to get result. This is by answer that makes things as graceful. Skilled and looked at as you want you won't be hurt. This is things in mind that you imagine, and are okay as you can interact to act them out physically if needed. Think and whatever you think, is if wish and thought that can direct what you think as think as you will and they are very likely, as to show up to be on medicine in you went to get better you can alienate yourself real quickly. This is like when your mind, was realization on what is there once you believe it it is like you are making what you think real.

   What you perceive is truly there by thought of law unless not needed if not the spirit that goes through everything disallows and for not as this isn't it. As beings out there that are thought in view as what you do arranges in a thought, as a point that creates don't see is a creature that may seem as thought is disturbing it as visions of death and they can appear. As those that live here naturally seem drawn to a living energy, that won't would even if you allowed them they won't hurt you if you allowed them.

  There is a moment that therein that law can exist in what, land of legends are inadvisable to concept to work that isn't noticed in what is slightly seen. As a noticed thought in derived in mind, as if a thought and things that appears from energy. That are apparitions such as ghosting you makes, as though thought by what you do in life. As lack of sleep can create what isn't advisable, as in a concept you answer and put the idea. As if in a way of thought that ends in what you do, think that actually makes what actuality is not there unless advised necessary.

   If you are knowing a temporal shield, then they won't by a created shield like thought armor that surrounds you as with wish to absorb enough energy to seem what you need with thought to give. Take energy of genetics or not take what you do, and you shift by the energy that is 6th dimensionally silver in 8th dimensional energy and blue as the 8th dimensional energy in an idea is where you need a concept and the idea forms. In a thought things won't take shape if intended as unseen in an invisibility effect.

  An in thought explore to find out, what is working by what you sense. If you know whats there, before you go then you can see to be prepared of what is to come. What you are aware of can seem by a powerpoint concept and is with an idea, you can make use of and choose to be before the effect as this is effected by the wizard field. Where you think of what you want, this is or isn't thought that changes what spell you think to do and use thought invisibility. As prevention avoid what you think dimensional wards energy silver placed, as your thinking as you need to something to do creatively does draw what you think as you got it.

   On nuclear or planet core energy, know this is used by thought of it being a source for fire manipulated energy that makes some activity to turn energy silver for energy particles use, as easy as think back and feel the moment to make your thoughts turn unusual as they seem real and you consider as your spirit is desiring by what is there. As there isn't this, this creates the right results, as if your making things where you are. So in this use isn't unless dangerous, as in self-action then and when you think of something, and need to object.

  Your here then you shift to here, without any imagined bad thoughts. When you want to do something, 'En' and you can do things to work this off as with the cloth and what is on it. If you imagine the object where, you want to go and think to draw yourself be near it, then you are as likely to find yourself there by it as your mind makes you appear without losing the power of the object and this stops alienation by alienating what is a thought and energy to create is with a conception.

   As if the object is molecules that can be stored, in what is energy and once you think of the idea to use it and you receive a stripped energy of the drink boost. To help that as this is possible, to seem what you want to appear as when you are there. This molecular structure, you can contact with and to use it by what I call positivity or like attracts like with thoughts and action. This is an unusual idea, you can work out as that makes energy in unusual field as the result is similar to seem an imagined thing. Within a fix of science field, as to ionize the sky by magic use an then cause a storm as the thought may seem to become too easy as though real. But it isn't as you don't think it is, for you can create with memory of a moment that is seen as you feel a need and create by mind ritual. As it is, if things are real if different or you care about the idea, and when you don't then this isn't as you aren't there as you don't need the energy.

   Drawn in from the dimension above which is the opposite plane is energy that is on conversion by use, is energy for an idea and this is to create what you think to fix what is by what is known in that which is observed time and such as a car doing things. This will draw in energy the place you want to see, as the idea is you observe and you know in but in when you do things. The energy changes and from negative source, to attack or with positive is to attract like the moth to a flare for those sensitive enough as though a point in time is life.

   As this is that concept, and as you lose the information this is as energy as the thought of an energy gun will happen defense as you can try to bring allow. To bring the idea of italian understanding, as information to yourself and shift view to become here and once you recognize it the thing you dislike. Then your subconscious will stop it anytime you want, and any damages are gone as with a will away of problems. As to feel the changes in pressure drop and you can make it, by what in thought you sense and can go as you think.

   This is the combination of your energy, with the uses of the energy that is of what you dislike. This is useful as is the thought, change the matter use energy as this is the idea and break the matter down as this is condensed matter as 'illesni' is shapers element. As you are done then, with thought as you want to get rid of the source that is to make it not that bad, for you are as thought and you are as though a resource. Thought make with shapers matter there. By network displacement, as you do to erase a thought and as an idea is where the shifting flow of energy allows you on a will to gnow as you are able to get what you want. This is when you are making, the thought to get what you want creates of what you see online to appear on no disposition, as then you find things on a shelf somewhere you want. If you don't want it then you won't, as think and as you are done, leave.

   This considered as thought is as though a disruptive presence, that doesn't disrupt except what you sense for the idea it is when you seem not there as you are not vocal and as you are not defending or debating. An when thought is an idea, that seems right your accepting the presence that you summon. Thus, it won't be there if you think to be in a different similar world in mind, there's no pique as you are able to do things in activity by action in mind by thought. As by particle space, that makes this as though you were thin to seem to lose weight. Any thought will leave you sumeria, that is summerize and you will 'en' or be at the end of the concept, as the 'thio' or this is theory in advanced theory in time and space.

   This effects where you are able to become, and don't being as you view and then this is as thought you can do things and then you can try to think about and find yourself seeming to be where you need to be. As you know what you see this is what you are shown by the subconscious. When you want to seem to appear, in an area that is different seeming then you will get there negative and positive thought will make seeming as depict yourself as though there an you are not harrassing.

   You can be aware of what you will find as the dimension presence, in this point online that has the information and you know what is by what you can learn from the energy of it. Then, you can get the thought to become as you intend, to see in that area that will apport if you make a link to what it is. Apport is not always necessary as thought matter is creative with a creator that be as this can apport you back, as this is thought made from darkmatter that with thought energy appears like you and draws in illusion to make you drawn there with use of careful attribute. As draws in to attract by illusia, an imaginary field of less oxygen and idea that is not there as is not there as you don't need it to be for not caring is not a care for what is there and just as you realize.

   You are connected by difference in your body as if in mind by need as you realize you are needed, and then positivity is drawn to attraction if you need it to and this if it happens there. Then is where you think you are as drawn to need, you correct it by apport there by mind in thought of the command 'at will'. As with thought of what you think of and they do it as the subconscious is seeming at need. This is like calling a name three times, and you summon the person you name by air and they are using others element shift in teleportation. Perceive it, and act the thought or not as this isn't needed, unless to hit or attack as to create by differently stated 'imagio' to art or draw magic as sigil, 'imegio' to thought to be with or use art to seem there or 'inme' as you are okay with just imagination you get from others.

   There is no place where, as undecided this is in avoid this area and as the past is the past leave the past and see in a point. What is the future and then is present unless now serves, as thus you are very adept to know as if you were the part and the act was then character. This is the thought that forms the figure you think about, think or not to use either as ther or ideal in this or as if you do then this makes the character real and it is in a different time.

  Act real and you are real in character, as even you feel you get nothing wrong as if in a thought of thyroid gland you can control it and create what you think or if you want shifter. There is a point to seem nice and as they are there you can seem to use, the aenergy is aetherical energy that is what makes use of what is nearby included food, to focus aether and by ether to grow in a thought to seem a giant as service for a point is a point as service ended.

   This is stop as the essence your using is not available in use in life, as you are working with metals and materials taste as that is what you are able to work with and, that is the idea that is necessary to form the materials. As you gather in thought energy and put it into your own work material idea, as materialism in use "inown as if" is share by thought and sent by felt use. As energy in then is into now, use your experience of them at the risk of a heart attack if too much heart energy is thought energy.

  They form at will, and you have what you are able to know in form chemicals and even form chamicals. As if that are energy by thought and with thought to form a chemical, that is a thought from the air by focus. That in thought is from the atoms or attrocity, that is thought as energy and as this is thought that to use water converts death to chemical through the atom.

   This is by the particles in space, formed by shaped idea into energy as thought particles interact with your energy. As amore this where love works as thought causes the idea from flare energy, assumed by thought is with a point by what you think as your thought is fire interacting on the area created by will in thought. As the energy is what excites the particles, this is to think into the area energy and assumed in thought energy. As elements in the area forms as if into parts of the air compound into reformed chemicals in substance, by the reality creating the ideal to the air you direct want as aero is with metainfluence that is thought by imagination and thought is energy from thought by what you do.

   Direct with thought is the idea, as is a thought to use your will and if use or not then you act natural. As to use "create" will form, the idea with will in thought to form things. As this an act of the creator, the act is with a will in thought to create what you will. As if interchange is willing nature, thin what you will and the elements your using are a point to seem fruitful as to remember is as thought and use is skill. This is what makes you let go of the past, as sedition in life in is a part to the air as the elements. Think your use and your will is stop and with what you act, your good or not and thought is exist as you think or do.

   There is a part that elements formed are chemistry in use. Formed from the body is to use what is there as interchange is the use of the elemental separate space, as you do chemistry you form chemistry your by act to feel vibes that form what you think. Think or create as you do the ideal the air is a source to see, the truth by feeling the vibes to create a base is with water and to create a reactant is with fire in the excited particles to combine with thought focus to deal fire and create energy bursts that form the recombined chemical to what specifics you think in thought. Think by feel and mention, the idea forms itself.

   If you think them unformed, as if into particles in space that is into water some place somewhere. As if your not temporally into them your not running into them, as this is the idea of water particles interacting into space you flow around. As if the obstacles, this is not as you thought in your path flow around you and flow along the stream of life. As a way is a moment you walk around, that is the easiest path in a way of life. This is where particles excited are in a space in the area, as you are aware you can create by gravity as to think of a point to do and the aura reflects back what you don't want to live with.

   This is in energy that particles that in part are spacial elements, if that in form is with a thought of shapers will or thought is the harder it is. The harder it becomes, thinking that undirects and unleads it is thought if unwanted. As easier and the spirit creates an easier way to do a thought, as if this is to think in a use and your use is a though to do things that incomes. As you earn money this is energy to you and that is with a true thought mind. As your will is in with a thought, you are with a will that this is a thought and that thought forms or not as if in you will out with essence to hide in natural plain sight.

   That is a point that if you are to do, things are art by what your spirit finds out. Think and you can create a fix and use your will, as use is thought in skill use that if you deny the idea it might disappear and otherwise think. As you focus and thought creates will if to seem a felt by vibes thing in use, as though a point is in a will that is thought in time, thought answers itself. As thought is a realization, think and the knowledge is known spirit knowledge revealed to mind and known as use as though thought you feel brings insight.

   As this can seem viewed and headaches can be resolved, as though "spirt" is aspirin or pain reliever is spirituality embued water energy. As hidden view as transphase in a thought is energy, transferred through the idea in what is not as nothing more nothing exist. As if a different view that is the considered, solid is medium thought in idea as energy is passed through the idea. As though direct feel, isn't focused by mind as you don't feel.

   Your feelings are as your emotion and a mood is there will manifest what you experience. Altered by mood music, you can create what you think as you listen focus and thought creates. As in emotion is healing the body, by the mood in mind your music is your harmonic rhythmic energy release. As to calm the mood and there cause accelerated thought healing directed toward a point as thought evoking through use, this in influence is that essence in thought that is returned in thought returned in mind as spare energy. As a form that supports as in what you think, this is necessary or not as this isn't necessary. As this is effect in point of view in use, this is different by fact and in thinking things out by what you do.

   Think in concept as directed from thought is the energy air and vision is in mind, from the view in sight water particles and as you let your emotion go. As if a dragon form you can manifest your will in thought, think in a will and you reflect the energy user your way is thought by feel in focus, think in will and go as to divert attention. What you do is viewed in thought in a different state that water filtered creates what energy as a source with magic, alteration in this case by what you think is in mind and what you do.

   Think a point is think, think heal and your will is a way to answer by generated activity. Different things is as things with a different view is different thought and things with ways of life are use, think in thought as in information is in your mind as part of life that forms itself by thought intended in mind. Think in will and in a point your aware, as your awake and in thought you can see and use a thought if not too bad off. As if a chain reaction, as flow in use this is water in thought with biorhythmic energy and is in concept you will is as an outflow in life.

   Follow an idea and think as focused use, thinking creates what use is possible by concept in thought with focus by words spoken in focus with concentration as this is a mantra. Aum is a mantra that if spoken, in use with music as magic by the body emanation, as a clear sought result this can create calm and what thought is different mood per different idea. This is easily manifested, seem in focus to think with a clear thought area created with focus.

   That air flow creates in rhythmic energy as use is a flow by focus in life, as in thought nothing that is in thought is what you think. This is thought in art as you think and create by created effort, to correct as you will this use creates. As or not in what you are doing in thought use a point in activity to consider. As in thought activity you do, consider is in a point that love as love is existent energy. Thinking makes in the void what is there as what restores and what you think is done. As you think yourself as a will, this is what can create reactant idea as an unknown, think in use as your will is a thought to create with. Subdued idea and that by what is thought, consider as physical actions, or not as you are a concept and your essence guides by will. This is the former known idea, from another life as columbulant as this in the void is a room to create what is thought by subconscious to test results.

   Seem a point and you gnow a thought so you know what in mind is thought, as you think to seem or not think and by what you can do is a point as if in many form mind. As you think you consider what area there is an link if you in not can feel to sense things out, think and find out what you see and if you care to be there as you can think essence to link. Seem in thought or nothing exists as nothing willed you and there are pathways to be somewhere else, in spiritual a use is an outflow of life that use creates life in effort and thought is in effort by physical idea.

   A point to consider is the use by mantra or paralyzation force, to use as a source in life and thought directed by soundwaves at a womb creates new possible life. This if the idea works, is not unlike a moment that you see as in focus with created light. As light through a crystal is like a lens the area directly near responds by life, as the area to effect is by conscious to cause life by energy. This by what you focus is with an idea area in life is if the energy is life as the source is movement, think by the reality with what is there.

   This is the planet conscious reacting and creating chemistry, through your will and with will the area surges with energy with worth. Will again the planet as if you thought the core creates with what you will, and with the original source in mind you can. Block something out and that blocks you out, will not if it does the will you think won't actually happen. Think as what you are if thought, think in thought as this will occur or not if thought is energy with use. As energy is in a will this is a thought.

   As these are a different path as if a pathway to life, different ways are revealed as with a point you feel to think is use and you don't care as you are unconcerned if aware and not if unlinked. As if linked is to be and unlinked is to be not, as nothing exists with something and your use is energy from the created fact. Think and observe the results by the information, that you hear in a void room revealed and by the subconscious. This allows you to traverse time and space forms as if to flow around you in life.

   Test in mind and as if in a real area and the heart, as if you are a point to mention as if the inference is the thought you know by spirit that flows freely through everything and seeing the idea as its done gives indications and is created as it exists in the time it is done before your conscious thinks to know things. These are the ways in that you do, don't and create as you want you are with a way to go. As the idea can create if use is there, make an effort as to show end results as possible you can do the idea or give up on the mentioned fact.

   This is from energy and many different idea, as what you do is use of information as in ways you travel in a thought and do and walks of life that reveal experience in thought. This brings to mind an idea, what you think brings you awareness. In thought is a view in life as you refuse love you refuse existence, intelligent use is intelligent tact by fact and in view is different perspective in life by use of what you think to do.

   As this is forming things to change the form or shape, will in thought and shape in form as things are what they seem as you can get the attributes drawn from essence, as if this is through transferrence by intention energy thought by infusion through anything this what acts as in as dna and works with inferred information felt as energy with psychic skill and known as affluence.

   This is a moment interaction that is not always understood as concept you got from those you thought contact, as this creates what thought energy is there if the thought exists and is what you use. As through the influence in water to get created influence in the area your in, as an act through a thought will you will get through in life through object use. Act as a point in life is interred energy, that creates skill and the curing effect.

   This mimicking life by what it perceives or not as brain life with the will original art, as this is thought different in answer as this is not original as the time you use things, this forms the natural basis of what you do by will and activity that by resistance is will and thought is no more. As an idea that can persist as the answer is thought even if nothing is spoken, as this is telepathy and by resisted idea if the aura uses to change the signature trace of your body.

   As information is money saved inheritance, thought energy is by information energy in knowledge. As in is out through use by thought, to seem somewhere with water nearby as a source is energy. As you get information from the past or future, as now is the natural energy the present is in use with and the idea you think is the thought of time as you are with kin.

   As if from essence, from focus as you don't think of me I won't think of you. As you don't have to do this they who are and things those they want to see are gone, as if a past life to seem can use an essence to form acknowledge in thought energy of the body as the inner essential body known as an inner being formed by spirit and by built up energy as formed by will is but isn't there as an energy body.

   The idea concept is a long spell made short as this is made by sense, if a thought and this is just a few spells from that idea in the area by the point as a point in point use is possible in more detail. The in detail by detail is a point that is in view, not in a use with a depiction as a wild horse that is a sign by the subconscious to stop the use. Spin or not and the things you see are interesting nothing, as your third eye can see the effect in the spell or not as if there is in isn't.

   As it is all time in collected soul essence thought not from conscious, that it used to make what you perceive things as this is the 11th dimension. With tog that form the dimension effect, as an easy way to dimensionally shift and in do as if easy enough to surf by just doing it will make the chaos into to a pattern as you cause it to do something. These are Ze is the traffic law in is thought and what isn't in sight can seem an idea to work around with, out these are the area art pieces depicted with witchcraft. This is a point to do, as if a thought you are a way and thought is a point to seem or do.

   You are able to feel the waves, of the chaos pattern that is thought about as you think and do. There is the moment where you perceive, as the trick is perception in itself that expression can use in greek poem form or otherwise no malice. This is the thought, of an idea that is to the point of what is to know. You know as you see it act and do, with thought it being your form on other, planes given existence to the thought you have. This forms the world onion idea, by that is the point where you can get to switch to another place an try to make yourself be at other places, you have to know what you beat at. This is the place, you can seem your at no situation. This concept is to seem to appear, and as you think of the thought as if you are in a power field by flux energy in what you imagine you can form it at will. At will is not attack, wait till you work as you need to don't and seem to look. Think and seem in no attack, as you don't except it unless necessary and as this is not important you disappear and wherever you go you are.

Wizard paradox

  Wizard paradox ending in life in the end, at the end of this energy is what resurges and only if you mention it. Corporeal madness is the end result and any ending you thought will end your life. As your energy matches that of the foe your now energy matched, creates what you think with the other things nearby. As you become what you see if you think to defeat te foe, your ability is that with energy and temporarily unless you think the essence as outside yourself and in container that exists for the purpose. This means attack as your use is instinct and your energy is what your idea is when you think and you never figure it out till pointed out.

   This makes the runes of earth work in time, as if jumping into each other you cause the paradox to be at the end by what you do to need them to be done. As to think or not this is as you do things with the thought in mind, try to do this as though you were a smith that is thought enhancing the effect as you draw a sigil, this is the point to get a runemarking in an idea in thought to mark on the area as an imprint. These sigils are the concepts that are there and very many of each is the powered lines of the drawn runemarking in the air that is imprint on a wall.

   These actually are what make things work right, but you are unlikely to get them to work unless you are very aware as this is to think and use energy to create a conscious activity that creates an awareness by what you think and feel brings you alive by and aware as if conscience or awareness in thought by the area activity through quirk or thought in temporal moment from the reality as a dimension that energy can create what you consider as a personal view that creates a shift in the area considered a brain idea fart. Think as your energy is taught by no practice, and thought creates by the idea you are aware of a life. What energy is activity that with use is thought, this is use of the body and what the idea can do as energy as activity in movement to draw in upon energy as the point creates what is an idea done in life.

   This is where you can draw the line and get any runemarking on an area. Think your purpose and then try to state your concept there in which you want to effect. Then, you there are to think and suppose to do as you get the effect off the air will become misty and clear reality as it makes you able to do things that are there. There is a land that is to create, and "mad mae" as make what "with scenene" is whatever scen in mind thought of can seem giant or any other to create with as if to seem what is. Wherever there is a land and preventative measure, think then and you can use this to be at the moment to make and do as to do purpose in thought.

   The paradox is this, the effect is opposite of the normal and nothing ever done unless you reverse the effect. This can be done in writing, as you need to do something you don't mention it and it happens and do as their is a way to do things as soldiers in the field of time. Your wasting all our time in a bottle. This is to trap a moment in the bottle that is there to do. As you want 'inme' is done to make thought correctly done, as this is done by the effect in thought by what is there to know what is in to be done as though to give the right answer and your in mind of that which is there in an energy of an event. And, that is there to manipulate by will as you think closing it out this will happen to make what it wants to make. Thought is to then able to be trapped and imprinted by thought willed to the bottle. This is not in attack, the use is their energy to get things done as not really done is a point that is concluded.

   This is as thought as your want is your need as this is moonrock that is used and this is there to do the point of thought, that is to use make and to do as to create this product that you want by thinking about the idea, as this is anything food or drink product there you can then drink it and you can do as thought to seek out thought as sought out moments. In the ancient usage, this is where you are not there as you go to the land of lore. And, you can get interesting things this is to make what is there as you need it not due to doubt itself. As if, you do things you get things and be civil, if you do things you can pay it right in recent times by used card in use however, you are enabled to get rid of an insufferance that is gone as you are then able as you are not able minded.

  That use is music to heal with energy, as the right music heard is the right tune and the rune that is musical enhanced. As with the right rune you can go and get the effective design by desire. The point of manifest is where you are doing things and focus on desire and you get the use of what you need right after you try to do things and then fail as the time surges you are then enabled to do this. This is by not doing that this is done as you are beautiful in form then you can move in time, as that isn't a point anymore you are able to get time to do as with things as you need to don't do things as you need not to do as then it will manifest to the time that you need to make it.

   Now if you are in thought, so it is done as to get to use what is possible in time to do it as not needed but only if you need things right now. Now you are able to work with figure forming as thought a pro and you need not worry as to the wrong time intruding on you. You are able to go, and get by thought the form as you need it as this is sharing aura that is think and needed at the moment. This is the paradox that is what these can form from as you can buy things here and in ancient times. And if you know it then do it. If you want to know what need to do as to do the share effort, in the off chance of what could be wrong then use a wizard rock which is a rune put on a shadowriting stone charged with thought negatively.

  This put energy actively to activate the moonrocks, and as its on the ancient stone by ages ago then civil war then violent use can be used that cancels it out as you incite them in a ritual and also by the spirit that goes through everything. Make things right as this can seem good by a stated Make right from what is right to do right from the start. The making of a halk or a half fist that seems to strike, then use of a fist projected forward makes the idea of what they who percieve it. Then, you can use a thought as 'dieablo' to them as they are what you reacting to what you smart to think, then you can get them recieve a spiritual hit as though slap as energy projected and wishbone is used as they are not really in a hit but they feel what you think by what you consider and speak or do to avoid.

   As then you travel, and pull your body along and then your nature is undifferent then to input them on things by individually runed rocks placed solemnly in an unknown place, due lost in time and in different places on the land somewhere as this will unabilize and capture those spirits and that are there that shouldn't be there and field energy is used. Thats in a point to say 'negate' will dissipate shadowrocks as a point is said, that is normal and makes them dissolve as this causes things to create a wizard you from precious stones, to prevent you from what can be thought to deteriate, unless if you don't think about them as a mass on earthshadow to give undreampt of dream reality with what is suspending thought of ability. As you are your own free effort by will, this makes separate things as it is destroyed by some natural event by order magic, and this is dissolution by chaos as this is there. And as this is the counter, then use things as then you are more able minded and still not enough then you use the stone by thought of need.

   And you just let them do things, as is pain possible as if avoided this is with the thought possible on the point of misuse. So don't mention it if you don't want it, this is then and now done. Now on go concept thought there is need to be gone as is the moment and there you do things, and that the moonrocks work and you get to go as to be doing things as there is thought then at least in one area in the mind and that is prep focused on thought. And think, to do this is where you step forward in time by a walk able abided by the spirit in path of light followed by the clues in a path of light that is used to detriment the crime.

  And by thought, use is in the idea of their criminal energy as that is formed if used against you as a thought of underated idea is there as you do things, and this is a light used as this is a moonwalk by preparations and as you shift away and go in there where you thought you need to be this is reality shifting with thought. This is the thing, use a step back to go back to when you need to be back, where you came from is yours as left behind stored things. The thing is to be an magination imprint, on a target in an idea casting by your memory with a thought mention as ice cast forth in a thought sent, and by a thought on diamond as frozen willed concept to unthaw on thought and to view the concept.

  That is use with none of the deterium energy, in as a thought and if to use the thought in mind and not be trapped is to make frozen anything by inseparating the separated difference in reality from conflict in a motion and from afar. As this is after what this in thought is that happens of the energy will surge here. This use is a possible idea and use is the stones to make the healing element, as the healing spell works through it though to heal and effect. In a different world, as the thought plane world that will be in use is now in use as this is in that idea to effect, and then this becomes operational, as that is the concept of what you want by spirit. As this difference, this is concept to strip the spirit what is the thought in trash, often thought as not unseen to be used as thought as though unseen sand of time as then its not known about. Maybe as you think it, it will able to do things.

   As if it is near a moonrock gateway in fantasy island, as if far far away or go to other places like in a place of the druid isle as if then this will create what you want. As its now found in a store it is as thought and in need it becomes real here, and if accepted it will stay and it will work till you don't want it. And you get away, if you need to know then you now can now try to do the articles of magic as to live in forever, that is available and isn't to bed anyone at the moment unless you bring a partner for thought of any entertaining.

  Think of use and will away to create, and any thing thought out the easy way is what can also be used as though natural intuition as the idea is brought forth in body formed product and then this is alright as formed, in the creator's way in now thought of long ago in an area that someone remembers you by as you. Think to seem there you are as if you can except yourself, for their own use of the rocks to help in them remember this. As a path there as a pathfinder, you can do the idea that is a point and yet not as if a thought were there.

   That shapeshift is there to do this journey safely as this is, is what seems to be as it isn't spiritual as you are invisible by what you wear. Now, this is where you get hectic, as this is the point where you are not seen by being obvious and if you were forewarned then thought cancelled the effect. As then and now what these runic symbols are now for thought, for there is a way of thought to make cause as by thinking to be done as this is in thought. Brighter light is needed but only in the dark caves. As it isn't easy, and as it is done you will do as another officer. This is not done now, and yet as you need to do financial aid in college apparently, so now in this is a rock by thought from energy collected in a rock, and from a path as if to skim to now as things in this is not needed here.

   These are ways but to travel spiritually with runes is wizard art drawn fun, and private but equal is fun and the idea that if your use is in mind you find what you will. This is to use as a thought out moment your summoned which, means you are there where you seem to be by the spirits that are near you. As if this is a point in reference, you reference what you think you travel yourself as if a point in a plane that is your own. Yet seems like others but you are whom, you think as the idea is identity as a shared quality as an understanding spirit idea in as a thought.

   This is a natural thought as this can work now for the need to need to use runic sigils, and are not to act now as chalice if it is financial as you now need, to know the idea is that this is with the wizard rock effect as you can see that these are used as you want then if possible you can do by things right by need and do the thought as for the effect by effort in wayreth of the offer that is now. And as waste we are to then use things as then there we do an now want to do as to do dream, in medicine these are energy and for use as to use essence of thought caught for these effects, we do not now know what is to not be done as these are now wee do things as we do things discipline in punishment, thought is new now so do and don't do it, if you need to divert cash from another bank as you know then to avoid disruptive influence, set by easy money in discipline by trust to not expend the account.

   As this is a different world, in a point with what is set by events is if things by the bank at the moment of favorite time discrepancy is when you can get a sigil off. Now that is the point, that you are dimensionally capable, and is as if you are able minded to think full figure shapes on you of the form your spirit needs, as this forms the figure itself with the right weight and height and shape at which you shift to a place right now that you are very well aware of as familiarity is the area that is there you are capable of time shifting with the thought and your need is if there to go, do and want at the need in that moment there is no longer anyplace in time. This will is a spell that once cancelled, is gone that formed a human that is exception to the rule. There is a point to the path of six lives, that use with an ability and as you speak you are aware.

   If you were to shift your consciousness 100% to the astral plane in or any other plane, things you can use will switch with the physical as if a person from the astral plane that was you. The only reason you see the physical plane as more physical than all others is because your consciousness is deeply rooted here. So all planes are equally physical for those who exist there. And also, learning to shift 100% into higher planes is part of becoming an ascended master. Like in Buddhism and other practices. There is a word for this, its 'ethenl'. To use it, think of shifting ya consciousness to the plane of existance and say or think 'ethenl', after summoning energy from the plane. As once you learn to project your astralbody/ethericbody/soulbody in all different planes, the energy from those planes can more easily be brought to this plane.

   The spell is shell and go: This costs none in as it will cost you to a lot of strain that dissolves itself, until you have achieved your aim, but you will create it. This will go with no experience: if a warning dream can be, particularly if more exact circumstances point to a certain time and one has already had true dreams, - to understand otherwise as an announcement of a heavy motion mental vibration of a concept. This is the point that, if your will is a way to do you are a will away and yet a thought is nothing if not desired. Think in a point is to create with a thought and do not use as you are a thought to create or not as nothing completes, as too many people are watching you and as you use the energy that is redirecting things to your point that is energy.

  Think in a thought and as you are aware, your awake or nice if nothing else is what you thought. As you think something is there the act is a summons or think and the idea is a pointed idea to disguise in plain site and use is natural energy of the body. Illusion is a skill that if use is a thought, make or not and your idea can appear as you think the point to seem or not to see use. Use is a thought as you use, the idea of things you want your idea is magic. As that draws from an ideal useful source, as then you are you can make seem as kill as you heal and restore.

   Artemdoros: Cold water drink each brings luck, as a moment in time you are with a warmth - warm is against as you are what registers all with the exception in those which are used to it, as in illness or shutdown of the shops, as - then the drinking of warm water is not natural as a natural conclusion is done.

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