See as you are dead or see aware

See as your aware or can create by feel, your ability is energy to create as you will or wisely done as wish. See as you are aware in a state by purpose, created by feel or feel is something to do by love, use or creativity. See that is the purpose to this blog. Some info I saw that was useful yes I realize what is there. I think this the end point, so my doctor says to me so I dared then lived or died by the feel.

This was thought in the 80's the new thought is no allowing is nothing there to do. For misuse you are mazed or for no misuse then your free, this is why faery create things so your unmazed or use is think this is non misuse then think your out of the maze or matrix. This is old information that took 8 or less years to decode from a hidden message idea sight.

That is faery by creativity to create a wyrd holding by reality or releasing the fate you release. Seen by what you think you don't place it there, seen as you place it there then the reality this is not done otherwise that is effected that doesn't need to be effected. So you don't have to recreate things or everything you think is there. Think to see use or useful information, by the area creator creates what you are aware.

So you think then the "area feel is" what you consider the creator releases you for or from the area the faery keep you where you think your kept.If you think to use this other than for information so you won't be sued, don't think to come attack me with this for I realize the point. I also know I have 3 users that are mazed or unmazed by the creator that exists or unexists things. I think thngs aren't working out.

So I allow certain idea thats non harmful considered ne harmful yet you don't dare ne things oberon creates by the area you think to create. I think this means no war or ne war is there ne is no, not or nothing with atleantian. I think this page is amazing so enjoy what you can. Seen is the end point I lived once so I think your feel source ot thought was all that kept me alive. Now think to let me go so I die if I think I should or not tempt the living with my were vampire self.

I am forbidden now from the area so I am thought if I die or live I will not be a man. So you see I am aware I am a were or a werewolf living in paris now, so I will quit then post what I discover here. I think this was written partly by my other is connected with the self mostly by Jay my brothers information. I think people psychic tell me things. Such as a lived nightmare that I am somewhere yet live here by feel.

However seen is Paul my brother that alerted me if he is alive, I see that I was by the area to alert area feel by me or use is theory by the creator that creates by area feel or my page was worked with by another life before I died. Now think not to be created insane then your not going to be or bear insane, ass or not your not dead till you think you are.

As I believe him or her or you think. I see so I was working by area suspence with the area feel or the creator to release, that failure was my only choice until the original writer realized by the concept that is here or there or ne not is the feel. I think he or she that wrote this has gone way overboard so I will write my own things. This was a Northcare patient named Joanne.

Saturday, August 16, 2014

Inevitable idea interesting to see

Inevitable idea

 This is the inevitable as I saw the 9/11 fall some time ago or as a interesting tidbit that you see is useful, seeing how use by your feel is created in use by something . I found this amusing idea off of Draknet before it fell around 2039. I was wondering quietly what you see, as I saw or not if nothing necessary so I will post this and not see if I don't need to.

Create view

  Fixed by idea of success or with no actual scissorhands is where you aren't near, seeming not near enough to run into someting till you sense its safe. Tat is te cause of safe or personal area zones or created idea time was with my life use to time sequence or time with personal area perception. That or Os see to not get what you sense is third eye corrected you see as a point or time visual area of progress by idea with view to the third eye to create with as a faery guide. As a concept to sara or sharkbite attack it only comes out when its near.

  As you see, this is sometimes a guide to others as you attract by dream, create by idea to see someplace then to create area energy that are points to create meet or avoidance. As you see that is creative wilderness idea, as you ward away if you can't stand the idea or lunis to some area that is away from them.

  As you use attraction idea you can think of them to get information to use, as for a project as you see if by three standpoints. So disappearing is fun with drawing energy to seem an area drawn to some area, that they find you after dreaming as a purpose or known as mischief in life. As you see you can work with change "tem" to them as you want or find other mates.

  As your ability is create or fire will, as you say quit I will do as if I need no more. Ao quick response is quick as necessary. As you say or create by feel you can use or get results by effect focusable to create with idea. As you see to set foot in "the rim" you create by reusable idea or bottles, thought to use by idea to create energy focus results to cause fovus with lucidity that is physical.

  As you mix science with idea energy you create by feel, what you want or not scene is not done as not even in not manipulatable mind or not as that is. See as that seems to the persons mind, think as you are unless necessary as drinking is thought in allowable bars. As you see or set use by feel, the area is safe by what you feel no sorry that was not for nothing or creative in idea is concept adeou.

  You create or use object consciouses to see what is thought in and created by view or not in use, seeable by some idea that is sight from an area perception. Thought to use this is Energy to "use me or use an empty space" that is time to me as an empty area is around in practice by perception to see, the right idea or signs to see lifesigns or not react as that is what you see or you can get, see to create or share a sense with cold sight or not reacting inert items.

  As time objects conscious aren't as visible were you say in a non visible space seeable sometimes, this by idea to turn the wheel or not is by idea to create. As you create what you see you are as you are tis is planet core guidance as you think "ti m e to t i me" in timelapse movement or normal time movement time adjusted as sane or release. As if you release or reverse the controls to work with, your idea is avoidance to use so yes this had to work or seem with use.

  Ok see as you are this is by thought, with the poem given for today via my guides or non. This is the hands of power uses by focus to energy create with gloves to create. See is not badly using idea or not attac.

   For all thost that isn't ow its thought about being persecuted around the world at this time for whatever reason, this is for you with love until you decide it is done as you say done or safe or of then to use. To end the problem before you can create with by idea you think manifest, as time energy "release" brain uses the manifest with anytime where the third eye is the manifest you present to set people up with some use. So don't act yourself out or don't act what you perceive or feel is right that is abuse out. See the dangerous road is set by music altering the string as the time you focus the string creates as you are wit or see to visually think, as you want then or now move.

   See as thought to create by focus to form idea, so te releases as not always instance is happened. As this is so to expect this will seem to happen or not, things can seem summoned by energy in te then movement with immobius strip energy that is how you get away with stuff. Focus to become what you think to seem if you need to, thought with feel is that you get by aura energy. See or look unless necessary as you are some other form they are great or thought. By Tenguie "tranquil" Chris.

Look into my eyes
Am I not the same as you
Just because my skin may be a different colour
My love for you still shines through

So much hatred
So much pain
When will the world's peoples compassion
Shine on through again

For we are all born from love
Scattered all around the earth
Our lord, he doesnt care about colour
All he wants to do is give birth

To all those souls
Who want to learn to discern
Dont just judge me by my colour
Take the time out to learn!

For love comes to you in many forms
Like the flowers in the spring
Nothing should stand between us all
Just let all our hearts all sing!

  This was for atleantian by use or creative area art. They got experience from many different area life points, oftentimes to get out of the sugestion tey thought "or not" an thought if you turn me into a drug user is not ever done. As you see by some area components, your energy use creates by feel in collective idea. As you see conclusion by closure is conclusion by feel.

  Dark area room effects are art by association or photography. Not always conflictive is the use by idea. Thought is what life use there is, see and use as there is a pose in life to create. As thought in use with a will is to make, by thought with what you think. Non by the use as nothing there is now concept to exist or no use. As you see so there is idea to use, so use by closed minded idea isn't bloody use.

  Now think as you will and do as to read the points you create, as you in think and seem in view. As in what you think to sense, think. As if what form you see you are in, this is what you think to live as if one life but many bodies. As if you have a thought, your life changes to what there is by use as if one mind. As if mending bone seeing by idea, as estate use closed that is correcting by what is according to your thought. As if not your hot or water use seeing the need, so for cool idea or what element there is see non is by what lives. As there is life so or not, there is life your life is not your own by what you do as you are aware.

  Sitting in a corner to think. Can't gain weight by water drinking or thought is use by weight balance, think to create by focus energy adjustment to the body. All allowable drinks are water based without alcohol. Think before you speak as you do things not again. Not form demons from ourselves as you see or forgiveness is focusable as thought in difference is indifference not dumb. Physically you don't need to do anything unless you need to do things. As water can seem flavored as drinks you see or need not, see by thought is thought by feel or created by idea put upon by you.

  You won't split the brain as you split a lie or line, see as you are aware or see as you are good looking. Your not as though mental with what that is not to do lobatomy. Not always is a point to use, an idea splitting thought is not always mental disorder by mentos. You aren't so disruptive by hitting or not hitting by use that is that by thought. Clean is your hands to feel by use, so you see what you look at anytime as you are anywhere you thought in life. As you use water to clean things out you can cancel that one to fix if not otherwise.

  So if though lost weight you can see or seem without a slap in the notice not face by feel, one idea is not overuse to create is sometimes one question to use so if he resists he's not knocked out. So you don't is not knocked out guest or host either way or not, as you are so your seeing visual or by some in guest. Sorry is use to apologize, so for idea you see as a game. So lets not do this one, as you are aware that is interesting. See as your energy is use your were idea this is usable, now to question this point yet no energy nothing done as if you are in or not in as you were you don't need a maniac or running over.

  So what you see as you are, using not is character energy in form except by thought in another idea. Don't react to memory as you see, as if you see use you don't use unless not drinking liquor. Solar stars are the heavens not associated unless you are aware, see that is imagination or interest not always so this is useable as usual creative in idea as you see with some idea.

  That is use as related to "in ez not" as you see not the need, no asspace is not aspects not to see or do something by feel is not to destroy unless necessary. Nothing insanity not allowed by use, as you are aware your aspect is what you conclude not always by thought is by the area not in use. Not now is in motion to create by feel, something to use in idea by idea or in seeming you are not. See or not as now your set with a job to use as in you feel.

  Now the question some area to use. Not is idea by what you see or not ever in use is to make any mistake, see and use are one or no fear is nothing as my fear isn't a personality or fear complex in idea. That is another person by an upper dimension. You murder no broad or man as though concept if by idea is cool. Now don't keep him bound by a thought, see or use is art in activity with nothing wrong is thought to use. You claimed a soul shard everytime you did something so nothing is not wrong.

  No matter what I do the right thing as I am normal. As I am not effected by idea I can see by what is useful by feel is suggested feeling. Fey is fake idea by feel as false law is no result, as you are aware your cool. Hot is hot matter or when your attractive, see or feel as otherwise necessary or use is creative in idea to use. See that is yet or usable in sometimes, as yelling or creative by some idea is cool to use.

  Art is some idea as your not creating attention by idea, that is when you won't need the attention by theory. Say as fact is your alone, so you say that is focus so as your seeming. See use is not in idea thought by idea as you see you remember by focus, as if not doing anything wrong you are what you want to seem or not suggested to aura energy is with no response.

  If idea isn't what you think, that by idea was from an addict so then this means you are to leave alone an idea. As some or all alonen is enough as you were then or your nice. See idea is use as your correctable by law, defined by your own or others to some other use. Source is the creator or feel by idea, as your not creating use you see you are what you see to feel as you know by whatever not even natural results unless you see some use in idea by what is. So what you think is needing, as you see attention but what you do is by energy or not noticed in life. As your an stimulated effect to their nerves, your energy is not wrong to use as you see.

  That is for what you do that you think, some say this is a beauty by focus by natural idea. What you get or not deign to notice by idea, say as you want by idea is creative egoism. See or not in use is by nothing not noticed, not noticed as you want as necessary you can see so you can get away. Thought to see is cool or put the plate down is theory not asspace, asspace is not as noting by idea is space with idea is concept or the use with creative points by view. As you thought with ego or use no ego. As you are seeing to avoid as necessary, this is use by idea to the created room or with an idea.

  This in creates idea to work with as things naturally, with no personality disorders or other bad focus idea. Now you have as no or yes answers as you think so, no so that is sometimes no by answer or no answer or yes that is positive. That is their idea by feel so you see there is no feel, I see but no talking to you or yes you can move. What is creative by use done in idea. If in deterium then it isn't not done in idea.

   See or creative effort with feel on by idea, you see in some use in idea to use by feel. So you see by idea your energy is focus or feel with idea energy concentrated. As you are conscious I feel you shift, you are or not as you feel as idea. As neurological disease that can cause them to heighten by neuron area focus. Now as you turn around, you can see aware idea not done normally or not done. This is noting by use with clinical diagnosis as nothing more nothing unless less, as the use is not unnecessary you create by focused with no need. Now turn now around now you are aware, as you were seen or feel concept in use. See no as your use is incredible you can see to create anything, say or so unthought by use or see focused concept in mind your energy is unique.

   Assume by feel is in focus, your energy by concept is focus or need isn't based by feel. Now as you see idea, this as use in a thought by think as what to get from this is what direction the chakras are going spinning. Spirit in a spiral that by watching I sense this, thought as by thought control the spiral in thought and you direct the pattern in that life you think on i.e. from root to crown. So as to know power from energy is to focus and use things and create what you consider focus in the idea called arts, its not to be mistaken, as of crown to root from inner self to outer self.

   This be what some would think but if you use, the chakras to use spiral and think to control if necessary. The area in conscious control and the area energy is that responds creates as you will, seeing to use is what you see not to become as normal. See resolution is so as the area, by the consciousness is thought by the energy in idea. Use stimulation is thought by inversion to their field of energy, the giants energy to invert their idea to created area energy manipulation. That is tought by idea to seem use as respected as use you seem to yourself. As you see the idea to seem as you are not by idea, your not noticed by concept you use in life to create in use.

   We are going to cover each of the seven chakras in this document. We will start with the "Base Chakra" and progress to the others. This, through three possible methods an the third method in life, is to live your will is alive and if your diet is good in your life is dead energy. As to relieve is to piss in a toilet to release energy or in a stream, notoriety as a different person if things are to use. Say that in idea is in 4 Lessons your use is as to use. As if your in thought to create and now your use, think in thought what weight you intend, thin by the thought and touch to the stomach at the base and with thought to do and create as your seeing or abort creating.

Create by field

   This is the soul shift by transmigration, as you know your energy use hit the kid you can create what you see in life by the focus with a crack in the wall. So say as you want that they feel is accepted by acceptacle feel by motive. Acceptable, accepted, focus is the area to use by idea. So you say as you are, not to stay you can create or seem by focus as you are. Seeable is seeable not only by the way you see things this is also by the area you use, as your energy your aware to use yet not if you don't serve a purpose.

   That is energy directed to cause a use, thought to what you see by focus creates by feel. As some source is earth energy think to see the crack as you appear where you want, so your energy is restorable by thought if you are able than go ahead do or see any more future. As yourself "damar" is what you see if you don't like what you want, think from your perspective what you observe as observe is observance that they understand so they seem as you are aware. All you have to do is observe, as you think to know your aware.

   The first method to chakra manipulation will unblock chakra points and restore ability to do things, for the point you think is to listen to soothing music or chakra binaurial beats as it lies in use of incense and color thought that is hovered over the chakra points, in while you are focused on the thought think 'reopen' and then think the color associated with the chakra point as you wave the incense in circles near it. As the circle in the right direction in directs what in life pulse is, so as a flow in energy with life that creates life this as a will is a path in life as if a point. That disrupts energy by feel in the focus to life by chaos in a focused point by idea.

   All in an act to reopen the chakra points starting with the base chakra as you listen to the soothing music. As the restoration point lies with the base chakra and the mind expands outward. To link to the rest of the chakra points, and from where they are in located in the mind associated by the idea in an order time can correct. There is a thought to fix, and as the thought in what you do exists, as you correct as the thought "fix" by energy thought works in directed. As life is in thought this creates as if to make the area do thought, as if done with what you want and otherwise things you do make are with what are gone.

   The idea time exists something, is where you sometimes can or cannot put something out if by water imagined by metaphysics. As you see the point your idea is conclusion or nothing by idea. As your ability by use, your feel is and genral tought by use or created feeling is theory by motion. As you see that isn't a fair tactic to use, so use idea by "os" creativity is feel as you see in use is idea with focus energy. So as you feel your idea energy, that isis protects from feel to use. As you see that was my life before, I died by trying to run away as my father was beating my body I manifested by feel with subconscious. As you see my other body got in, so use isn't as you are away then as after I sneaked away that was curious to create with the area energy.

   The area I saw was use by some idea, so I used what felt was right or created by feel. That was what I saw I couldn't find the foe, as you say I was aware to use the area by idea as linked area concept. Concept is focus is feel, see now the idea use you create is some project. As you feel to create in art your feel is created correct. Saying as you will isn't water based energy, that creates so your thought creates what the creator allows as you thought not prayed you create with idea. That is their way by the use, you can do things without taking it off. As seeable you see or thought, as thought is by the power with mind by whipped cream.

   See as your awake is thought to your idea your energy awakened, think as you energy awakened by thought to the room center. No way in idea, now your rest is written. This is based on the second method to cleanse that is build energy feel clean to seem clean, as your aware of me I am aware of you by thought is auratic cleansing. See and use the idea is to visualize bright white light all now or use is over, the body for a minute or so and that visualize is becoming brighter and radiating all over your chakras. This can heal your body causes with faster recovery and unblock chakra points, as the area 'removes dirt from chakra areas'. Just two minutes and thats it, as white light is really powerful, but if you are sick you need a long time or similiar.

   It also cleans the aura and makes it a positive or not as the area energy is with broken idea and uncleanliness, so think positive you are positive aura means more positive life and negative energy won't come. But usually colds or whichever illness, after which you recover the aura and chakra flow, is dirty so we have to clean it and in that case it can take a few aura chakra cleansing sessions to clean it of 2 to 4 min or just a one time 15 min cleansing. If this doesn't then the creator can create idea then your alive.

   The third method is listed below by chakra points and Lessons are what you see. Count after each lesson that its a stopping point, as its for you to practice till your ready for the next lesson. See or use then becomes concept concievable use by focus, that you are satisfied with the lesson experience or nothing needed. There otherwise is energy by area to use or your use is an idea to create, as if your an idea alterer of te area. As that allows wither stri that is create by greyins blac spherical energy to consume the area or target or not happened to effect.

   Lessons in chakra use are creative, so use creatably is energy to the use. As your sense is use by seeable thought, see as your "thougt" in use by emotion. That is energy as focus is energizing, think to use as energy is simple objects are object paintable. As symbols are glass or focusable energy, think is idea in use to create feel or feelable concept. That you feel energy is en focus an energy, aura manifests are fire in energy use in area by what you see. As you see this you got, as the area is the right idea by thought in an area. Seeing that is for the first creative time, as the right time is the right placement. So you see the moment to see or assume, to not assumed life there as if that were not really there. So if you want it come or tell me as I don't need things, so I know not to defend.

   The Root Chakra starts at the lowest point of the spine and is located between the anus and the genitals. The Root Chakra is represented by the color red and acts as the bodies grounding force which connects us to the energies of the earth or sun. Since the Root chakra is altering at the beginning of the energy flow to create, all the other chakras rely on your Root Chakra to pass energy through it. Sexuality, stability, security, lust, and obsession are all governed by the Root Chakra. Your gender organs play a major role in your health and spiritual development and you must come to peace, with your sexual energies to progress or focus you can see what is as you are.

   Your ability is creative in approach as your energy is focusable your energy is creating as though are or feel as you see. As you are aware your energy is what you were so if your ability is time to create by idea, as you say thinking your able your able to create as the subjects are a waste of time then no. See as you presently know things your ability, that is just use as you are aware to seem as you are in the present day. That is an idea you see or feel, so that in idea is by idea if you were or not consistent to malaise. Say as a fun or not used idea so just don't try to do this again.

   How to use our binaural recordings at here or with other music to stimulate your Root Chakra: When you start listening to our chakra selections or your music, focus on your lower genital (between your anus and genitals) area. Visualize a red energy spiral extruding to the front of your body. This spiral should start about the size of an egg and grow to the size of a flat baseball as you progress. You should feel and sense the energies flowing in a spiral manner. The feeling should bring along a sense of security and stability and your worries should dissipate. Say as energy is aware so your idea is energy, resist by suggestion or not doing in use by focus will on a point you perceive or not mind the lie as that is lying down.

   As you stimulate the Root Chakra, you should notice (and visualize) earthly energy coming from the ground and entering the red spiral. The ground energies may appear as a natural earth color, but when they approach the chakra spiral, the energy should start blending in and merging with the red energy. As natural earth energy enters your chakra, it should slowly and gradually grow. As your their idea in mind your energy, as you think your aware in lesson think your awake in your body to restore. Say if your will is in energy to create to use, as you see the use your energy is use by focus as a gravestone isn't there.

   Seem in want is their way is will as you are well, now so your idea in didn't always work or your way is will. As you think your in idea, your concept is body is your awake if it is alive there by the pulse energy feel. As your ability is aware your created by equal idea to use by feel, you use is what in thought is use in idea to your seeable idea known by what you see by the spirit. As if your aware or can create a were result by feel with unconditioning or not ruthless your calm, think as cool is the idea this seems by the use to walk away or as you are were.

   See you as not dying or you are forming no wraith, by what you see or consider is energy if corrupting by area feel. As you think to were focus you create by feeling energy from the area or resentment to facts, don't blame that as you knew what was coming as thought were false or can be creating. Then think to the planet or chaos to focus, not rude as you strike the nearest area by the power of . See to feel as though a wall or use is striking a foe by idea, as you bunch then unbunch an idea to fact or pulp fiction as "nope" one fiction. Think to strike as you are or can see to think better.

   See as your will energy, your will creates by idea to the focus point that. See that is energy not always to use, you are now out of the game as there is not now or thought is release as not is now by release. Assume as you think in another place, see by feel any action is thought if no use is activity. That is whatever you do, think this is what the idea no longer. So you see as that is an absolute death by absolute, means your a point death in what does you after you don't want to no or seem effected is where you thought. You were you not effected to what by avoid do things, unless your care is over that is you can seem as you don't see something wrong. Say what you mean as your aware, by ideology with idea that is anger management.

   As if now if your caught again your probably gonna get killed with joules energy, that is focus you will or won't see what you see creatively. As you soon will see or seem to see ticks, bed bugs, fleas, germs "seee" as you are or that is awareness by feel to the area. You see to use as you seem in use you are seeming, see with use that isn't d45 what you do or as your not by the use your ability is creator by use. As of now is by thought, you should have completed the steps of drawing. As your energy is focusing by feel, seem as you are to use some idea find thought to use your useful technique.

   As they paid for themselves, their subconscious you see is fixation by idea that is use. So if the fix is with feel to what is there, there is thought no problem to what you see or create. As you see no situations occur, no necessary solutions not doing things on purpose or your idea is done. Spirit energy is creative or focus in mind to use, as the area is created use by feel in creative idea. Say is thinking or use is focus, see that as the right phrase is a truth is noting by idea to notice what is as you see by sensing in the area gravity. So your energy is fewer than injured in field. Your use is energy by what, thought is an acknowledging field by focus to use so don't drink don't in any idea if you think not to describe what you don't need you won't get wrong idea.

   The Earth's energy not into "randy", your Root Chakra and witnessed by your Root Chakra grow in size as your body can grow till in te area energy. This causes the body to shorten in height or not, weight reduces you create by what you will you see unless you don't need by thought. See if the monday night football in use by thought, that is what seems in a game your in energy creates that isn't there so your so not in the game. That is next by feel, use by idea so your use is now watched as your allowed to live by thought.

   As your energy is use by idea, you see they are you as you create by what you are sharing energy as a link is formed. That by thought as you unlink to shift timewise, think to where you are from to where you are going. As you shift through walking as gravity fluxuates you find a safe, yet not always safe a place to go as you will to go. Although the soulbond are known to raise energy of those they are near, so they can raise you up in energy to cause effects if you ask them or when they feel like or not do.

  Where a ghost can possess you to give you energy. Ghost making is like calling one to hang around with you. Quidji board, is like ghost making I think.. except it calls a demon to them you serve you so it can exonerate itself and escape hell for a small time. Some think there are hellbound people, save that live use is pure idea that by clean energy you seem cleaner as you are sane. But they don't wanna go hell yet so they stay on this earth. So you see what you get or feel what you want think to not do, as you create or not use to see to the use thank you that is all.


  Know that some ghosts are trapped by old bones laying about. As into an area you can feel their presence on the bones. As they use the bones as fuel for their effects. So they don't wanna go as you trim you learn your power by throwing things and acting out. I find it amazing there're some ancient magicians who succeeded to stay alive in an inorganic form in this world.

  That's true and when they are or lack of power, they stay in their graves and waiting for 'power food'. Some of them still have many allies as they might be as liches, their friends are like djinns and ghosts. Well I know, that the liches are sometimes the ancient magicians power form an they can kill a man by sucking his power. This was an amazing idea that an ancient idea was possible to reusable or usable idea without fear.

  As you see that is what you saw in the past with ancient magic or fact by use in idea, so you see that is what you see or not done in idea. This was what I remembered from them as an idea, what the understood with the elements. The element of earth is that of life. Earth can consist of items, use in drugs and in similar motions you can do. It can grant life, morph items or people, take life, heal or wield life like control.

  In granting life, it creates it anew through destructive action or gives it through infusion. Morphing item or people with earth infuses the target with energy charged by the workers purpose through imagination of changing the shape of the target. Weilding life is use by feel, earth can make an infusion to do as the worker imagines. Earth is for the body.

  Life is the Light earth element. Using life you can resurrect and restore a person or objects. Life in itself brings hope and resistance to any spell or destructive feelings. Feeling Life you must keep balance. If no attempt is kept then there is Chaos. Life can restore memories and the soul. This is an element of self-determined growth. If one controls life or causes life one controls balance. Inanable is life your use is energy as your energy is energize to use as you wille. As you are will in fire or life by life event to create by life in idea your energy is energy by feel. As your energy is creation your energy is done, but so your ability is energy by feel in love by harmony in life gnown as the 5th element in life as normal.

  Additive earth is Glamour. This is the element that will form another form over an existing form Make anything appear as something else. Try to focus the image not if you suppress the need over the image and give it your life force to make it happen. Think of the property of mind to enchant with and visualize the effect in the person or object. Then give of your life force to make it set with the word locke or unlocke. So this isn't as by the words.

  The fire element is the element that gives life or takes life destructively and is the life around us. It gives life by forcing you to move on when it destroys your old life in some manner or form. Also it can give life by the healing act of the worker targeting only the disease cells with fire. Causing the body to cope by healing quicker. Fire takes life so accept the facts by burning the intended victim on focus of the worker. What doesn't kill you makes you stronger as a person. It can heat up places to warm you. Healing with fire heals open wounds. Fire is for the soul. It finally is light by feel or creative in concept.

  Light is Fire from the earth and the sun. One sees Light as a way of Sight. Light can dispel shadows and banish bad enchantments. It can recharge one the more one works in it. The light is a force of guidance that will aid in darkness or day. This force will always aid in winning through a fight. Focused light can hurt anyone. By using te force one can travel using the light by creation.

  By hidden distraction is the diversion or divertive, say in firewater and makes long range distraction divert attentive eyes to aid your win. This firewater allows people to be unseeing of your activity even if upclose. Taking advantage of the moment is using this technique as you find what they dun look for. It is never seen as a distraction as this is also called unseen distraction firewater. Say as you word things right as your will is energy it is heard correct.

  Water can heal people by focus with energy or a symbol cure feel focus, overcome things as your energy is feel the feel is suppressed by the brain to the feel by sudden pain disappearance see as you want or change things. Healing with water can happen on infusion of energy with the thought of rapid regeneration for 5 minutes at a drink.

  Any other thought is also enacted. Your thought becomes the waters actions to the body. It can overcome things by being in a large enough body of movement like a tidal wave. Water can change things with an infusion of energy into water while someone imagines what they want to happen. Water is for the heart.

  That is useful by draining a sink this is lifting by focus is the element of stealth water. Use this water for idea to remove any evidence of the energy that was there. Remove energy from a clog and you clear the drain quickly. This water is useful for removing bindings. The element of draining is unseen and is only a force. That is a man that is hit or some other thing.

  Positive water is the light life water element by feel that is not to drink until you think to not need more or too much in idea as energy charge. With this water one can revert insane people to sanity. One can make resurrection possible with the thought of raise while administering the positive water. Using Positive water with items will make the item charged. This is the miracle water that can do anything. It looks like normal water.

  Imitation Water is mirroring water by feel, focus or creative use. This water can mirror anything that is living. If made to look like you it will copy your actions in every way. The Mirroring water will also be able to copy object form actions. This is useful for copying voice everywhere that you want it heard from another location. The Mirroring water can ultimately be used for simulacrum. The exact copy of yourself except somewhere else.

  Air can choke, destroy, enforce, or change things. Air choking is the act of the worker to close air in a circle around a person's throat. This is also called collaring. Air enforcement is the act of the worker to create a wall by imagination or to cause yourself to float in the air by air itself through imagination. How does air change things? Aero effect is an another that air can change things, see by the worker using it as a medium in their acts to influence moments. Finally air can be used as a mass spread medium. Air is for the mind as aero is effect by use.

  Illusion is the element of stealth air. Use this element to make make people believe in the fact of something being there but not there. This is is truly an amazing element. It is seen as the person believes it is to be. Anything formed with this will be an illusion or create by ability with energy. Stop as you go by idea.

   Aether's negative element is either use or thought is cold by idea. Ether resides in the etheric and is the spiritual element, or the active element. The etheric is with chaotic and spontanious creation of imagination, and that's where all ideas are first created. Then the idea get's reinforced and goes lower and lower in frequencies such as the astral, so as you are to tell then manifest in the quickest way possible on the physical planet. Ether is part of the fundamental principle of magic and manifestation in general if not too much.

   This is thought by imagination that is such with idea in or thought by idea by focus you create or will is done, which all as you do is focus in enough so not and feel what you imagine to seem or things that does seem interesting with peace by change that happens. An otherwise the more you focus on an idea, the more chance of it happening. Ask the spirits to guide you for the better results or feel in life and think by what you want to do or happen when using ether that isn't spirits, to always get the act desired. However where aether responds to your imagination. Ether responds to use with the mind and thoughts with the feeling, see and thought is instant by feel in of the idea you see. Ether works with you as you desire.

   You can focus the spirits to aid in anything, again for a better result. As you see the area seems by glamour, as this is with no etheric plane where all our imagination manifests. Seeable and where the creation is our lives are or begin or not. This includes forming any object. The physical world is inputed as ideas on the ether, that manifest closer and closer to the physical. If the spirits are angered thought by smooth feeling, they won't do anything at all. Always thank them afterwards. So aether is very similar to ether as it too can influence void your void is your life after the point. Stoppable by not seeing of music is listened to by life. As you see or cause idea, you can create by the usable feel.

   Magic is the culminative results cancellable by water use by the inverse to use, see and use is like Aether and Ether by dopamine. Magick has the possibility of reaching any place of existence. It can effect any place of existence. It can do anything that you can imagine. It is pure meta energies of the Astral Plane. It guides the rest of the elements. This elements heightens anything its used with no idea to create, see or use by no attack with feel to see an absorb or move aside by idea.

   Psychic is all, some or non as the vision by feel is together with turmeric with mustard powder in water. This element is the symbol of all that is by vision. Being phychic grants you a gift of always knowing the events without being told.Most scryers, visionaries, investigators are phychic. Shielding is the group effect of all the shield elements. This is all aspects of all concept or use by shields that can work for you. The shielding of a person will protect, until overcome in some manner by a object stone by feel use or use in by use. All used together is creation by feel or created, use is created activity by some way you go as you are by thought.

Assumed identity thief

   As your energy is there your not accepted, by the area you see or can create by idea you were right but in idea your are dead monterously as wrong. I wonder what you can get an idea, you see to use what is little left with your brain you claimed was an upper dimensional area that some creator was there to keep you alive. As you see this is actually because you took so much contaminated paint or other as you were able to cause stupidity to the world by far your energy created noting but havoc you achieved from energy.

  If you want to be smart you can reform your cult to accept your own faith as Odin accepted you so you won't get inconsiderate result. As you see were not allowing your devil spawn back as you see were tormenting your brain. So you see your monster level perception trick didn't work. See as you are doin your creation is disruption to maximum security that we psychics put you. So your either dead, rotting or tormented eternally for your non lasting faith. Ciao.

Bababa Babbages of the Banana repulic.

   This was the last thing I saw there that marked in runes or wall markings formed by cracks. See that was us branding your other body to send there as the deal was you order we send unless not necessary. That is a mad cow by disease removed to wat you didn't try as we had to do things for the removal. You won't ever be allowed back. Surrender to us outside your real area you hide in so you see that is our price to you as you are, instead of making you pay money as the debt should be gone if you are aware enough to fix your body from the aura trick.

  This is noting wrong with your perception as you were aware you could not live in the twilighted zone you claim was safe. So as you see your not welcome, I will send back your daughter somewhere to see her as she is so not effect use or us again if you are wanting to be safe. See I knew you'd come back yet this was a recorded message we received. "As weien is wine we don't care so you shut up to create better." That was curious uses for curiousity by feeling set by spells with items. Think you do as you think to use the item to create.

   So we did seeing how you were, yet as you suspected you didn't know the language. We are impressed by idea you sent silently so you improved by the idea we sent back. That was energy trickery as you see you were misled to the use. So as you set the energy to matrix use we got this as a negative. As nothing is wrong you are correct unless stupidity so wrong isn't right. As you say your wrong was inconsistent. Say as you were spoken as you saw nothing was right. Seeing how you were to break through a glass, as real area energy was there to support we manipulated a thought that was the cat scene. Seeing now is energy thought as energy real in mind, so your energy is dumb or smart to the use seeing how your aware energy in life was arranged.

   So you asked for the release of mad cow as you wrecked our labs and slaughtered us. As the area you see is now aware you were the culprit what would you say to drop the issue as you asked really there is peace. So we have caused them who were not to use bombs to not build them, as we magically instilled venom to activity by matrix to cause near fatal accidents. So if your wondering your real body there is unkillable yet gibbering in the mental hospital you were supposed to be in by activity you see you are cool yet not moving as you swore to die. So say noting to get nothing, as say nothing to you or others unless you want some idea. Formed or not formed by life energy. Say as your energy is low you can use the body yet I wouldn't we were thinking to use it or animate it. If you were to wish to destroy it we will disintegrate things as it dissolves away.

   That is all you see you cannot do that it can, seem to do for alteantians are there yet your not allowed to see them till you give us back what you stole. See how your influence was muddle footed like our film was there of Harry potter. That is what we watched you, as others through even the horse trow. As drow we knew what you would say so the ads won't work on you, or the others that so were not prepared as you see that is why you weren't effected. As you say tat you might wonder what happened to the church we trapped you near, its destroyed by natural energy attracted to it by your body or you have by your promise. See that released your madness as your not actually aware to speak. So as you see you in the area you breathe the natural atmosphere, as you see te use now to us don't disabuse our service.

   See how fairness is playing fair despite your hurt, you played fair to us as well with the plague engine that produced roaches or items to the area around the broken atmospheric device you ruined to destroy viably to disrupt the ecosystem. So as you see that was the message intent of the aliens we sent your way. As you see the area isn't too healthy, your aware state is a little lucid yet as you see you are untouchable due to what you thought were good spells to atleantians that made you don't immune as you see.

   As you won't be back you can be assured you won't survive the trip to us if you tried so hahah. That is to you sir, that decently destroyed 9 billion people by energy waves sent to you back by the device. That is the true source of non corruption, oh yes you got what you wanted yet be aware tempers can flash destroy by lava rome. See how you felt you refuse any good shift that goes through us. I would advise you to use some idea to understand us better in terms by understood services. As you say tat is noting wrong wrong nothing real unless you thought to use what you saw in some area. That is all.

   P.S. That burgular was looking for some bank papers you took, worth 3 trillion dollars now according to the market. You see you still use it today or your north america would have fallen. So get rid of the map you see you are use to us but we blocked it from effecting the uses. Soy sauce is our net trade. Seeing the use that you presented was within reason you can get it near your store. See that isn't unfair despite not having barbeque sauce you wanted. Now you remember that map you took from me I got it back as your runes or sigils are no longer effected you will notice the area as its natural state as no alien filters in the atmosphere. See your way is smart if you can create better, you said so this might help or use is with infinite idea.

   P.S.S your energy isn't always there we took it, as exchange for services as your energy is everyday thought. That is an idea you sent to us, so that is interesting by fact or fiction in use. You see now your aware to the area, you can create what you will by the creator. That is interesting factory use by the way you see here or there you wonder. See the way that is built is object energy changed, thought to use by magic with moleculars or energy focus in idea to use as there is a way there is a will I had the author David Eddings write in.

   That was for you to see, as you righted my wrong or your idea to your way by life. Now if you make menace to the area you set afire you could die, as well as the atmosphere is more Hydrogen. See as you feel that vibrating energy to your area, that is a supervolcano to the use set by the faery themselves. Named drow that is really elven tank created as the only elven idea, you see that is what we didn't destroy to create what you notice. Don't as your energy is to try to create some better idea, for now if you try to forget you won't. So figure out things better okay? okay. So now as you see the idea, your ability is possibly needed so if bankrupt you can bet to win as you think to have won. See as you are aware, your energy uses things you are aware by unaware function.

   So if you thought, you are not in focus by energy to use your right until you think you are. So what unless you think to use by feel in focus is created or thought to the use by thought to create. As you are aware now the area is unique to use. Seeing as your energy breaker is about to go off, your ability is waranted as a person that is arrested. So you are aware to an use is free energy, so not slap as I am sorry you see if you can't bear the sun. As I see the idea you are with an area try "Idea rest" to create what you will, so what you are aware to do you create or don't bother.

   That is similar idea, according to your courts that is freedom is release by truth. As your aware energy is ruthless till allowance. A typical concept I believe. So before you try to sleep think or not to not be effected, as the air might stifle what you feel. See now we got what our point is, your idea isn't unnoticed just ignored if unusuable. If you want suspence try ussing hitchcock, that is all we have to say. So what more or less is truth to no dare, as you are not mearly a were by pilot that is a hospital can fix.

   As that person you beat up and got run over might come out to beat, running you out of the area as he now works there. Seeing as that is true don't go near one as he is also psychic. That is wat you say to the area press if any come in another body. So as you area search for jobs as your area is near you won't get one he said, so hope your government isn't out of funds by the Ak-47 use you planned to get rid of invaders as you saw the earth proclaim to you and ben. Seeing that is an idea you spread this is the truth, so do or not do as due purpose is not to happen.

   So your were is a day over birthed don't you think, seeing as your energy is there yet not even real the area might know yet nowhere to go. Weres kill their parents by the end of age 13. See that isn't a changeling, that came from lamia that only births them. Say or not your dead if he finds you, so see as you want my friend ciao as your gone your body is disintegated your ability is energy from the release. You know you have ability if you don't want to use it yet ability is if the creator makes one. So you see your articles on magic might be adjusted to allow for that.

   This is the last or most important idea, if you see this anywhere ten weres will come at you to kill your body so your only way isn't your only way to shift if you can get one to shift away as you think where to shift. As your ability is energy you can create by some area use ability. So that is able use or un doing for energy. Sorry for the confusion as that is energy, your use isn't unless no confusion you can focus as aware is energy to use. That is an amazing fact to your use, you can create or use the in creator by use. There is energy is use is mass reduction is feel is idea is polymorphy by idea.

   There is an energy you can use by feel, that energy is any water you focus to create by pure colder energy that is heavier as you are not heavier. So you might notice something the area gravity won't change isn't there till you think it is felt. So that is energy you use to create by feel or ore use replenished if mined. As that is energy to use, see or create you can see to create by focus to the crator created energy controlled by the creator. So see if you can use that, the more you do the more chaos energy, so beware as the nuclear fuel is no longer effected. As magic faded from it your conversion by it is over, so as your energy is noticeable just glance to notice cracks. If any then think null chaos or think no chaos to not be effected.

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