See as you are dead or see aware

See as your aware or can create by feel, your ability is energy to create as you will or wisely done as wish. See as you are aware in a state by purpose, created by feel or feel is something to do by love, use or creativity. See that is the purpose to this blog. Some info I saw that was useful yes I realize what is there. I think this the end point, so my doctor says to me so I dared then lived or died by the feel.

This was thought in the 80's the new thought is no allowing is nothing there to do. For misuse you are mazed or for no misuse then your free, this is why faery create things so your unmazed or use is think this is non misuse then think your out of the maze or matrix. This is old information that took 8 or less years to decode from a hidden message idea sight.

That is faery by creativity to create a wyrd holding by reality or releasing the fate you release. Seen by what you think you don't place it there, seen as you place it there then the reality this is not done otherwise that is effected that doesn't need to be effected. So you don't have to recreate things or everything you think is there. Think to see use or useful information, by the area creator creates what you are aware.

So you think then the "area feel is" what you consider the creator releases you for or from the area the faery keep you where you think your kept.If you think to use this other than for information so you won't be sued, don't think to come attack me with this for I realize the point. I also know I have 3 users that are mazed or unmazed by the creator that exists or unexists things. I think thngs aren't working out.

So I allow certain idea thats non harmful considered ne harmful yet you don't dare ne things oberon creates by the area you think to create. I think this means no war or ne war is there ne is no, not or nothing with atleantian. I think this page is amazing so enjoy what you can. Seen is the end point I lived once so I think your feel source ot thought was all that kept me alive. Now think to let me go so I die if I think I should or not tempt the living with my were vampire self.

I am forbidden now from the area so I am thought if I die or live I will not be a man. So you see I am aware I am a were or a werewolf living in paris now, so I will quit then post what I discover here. I think this was written partly by my other is connected with the self mostly by Jay my brothers information. I think people psychic tell me things. Such as a lived nightmare that I am somewhere yet live here by feel.

However seen is Paul my brother that alerted me if he is alive, I see that I was by the area to alert area feel by me or use is theory by the creator that creates by area feel or my page was worked with by another life before I died. Now think not to be created insane then your not going to be or bear insane, ass or not your not dead till you think you are.

As I believe him or her or you think. I see so I was working by area suspence with the area feel or the creator to release, that failure was my only choice until the original writer realized by the concept that is here or there or ne not is the feel. I think he or she that wrote this has gone way overboard so I will write my own things. This was a Northcare patient named Joanne.

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Thi as 6th dimensional effects

  The point of this article that you think is to get a concept to go and do, if your bored or not and you don't want to be this bored. Then think of something as with a observation, which is the 6th dimensional idea to do or reverse the problem as it comes up in awareness with traces in the body.

  This is a thought and that isn't what you make things to do with, as this is not stupid and you can attempt or not to do is something not to be done and thinking smart in this area as if a field that creates energy with energy in thought. As if you were doing things in your own interest, what is right is up to the beholder. As a reserve of mana in the body to make use of energy, that is if thought intended to do, as if seeing an idea doesn't create it as you are to attempt or not as whatever you want.

 This is the ideal that life exists, then use and with use this is a fact of life with thought of the fact, and that ends the start that life is a concept that is in things you use imagination to create an ideal life energy. That is a lifeforce, that if imagined you can us it to create a life effect, that use is what is thought as there is not much life energy in what you use.

  Personally, it is simple if you have a great amount of personal poder/power. Calling the mental dot as uniting point, it can represent that uniting point that can move. This uniting point is a unification of forces that make your perception up. This movement of it causes your perception to change. When you are dreaming, it's moving to left. When you're shapeshifting, you're moving it to down.

  As in shapeshifting, its done by holding in your thought of what you want to become and holding yourself by your aura and it becomes spiritual. You hold your assembly point which's on your collerbone (on aura), and make it go downwards. It's called as the devil's inn among naguals or spirit warriors. As you shift your shape immediately or not as in existence as what in existance ceases to exist as nothing can happen or not as nothing exists.

 This can use all the memory techniques.. from

 The boost of this is a point by purchase with Yin and Yang energy electricity in use, now as its about and the in moment energy idea that your male and female energy sources are an opposite but equal. You can summon the yin energy into your right hand or left hand and the yang or Yang in Yin energy into the left or right hand and focus the yin and yang energy together, into the hands and meet the hands to send forth electricity.

   There is another possibility of focusing yin and yang to do different things. To do this, think of the source as of Yin or Yang and collect it as where it is to be applied. Then focus by thinking on what as what you want and apply the energy by letting it go. As though the yin can be chi (which is unstable and creative) and the yang can be han (which is more stable and creative).

   So use yin and yang is hope for death that is a thought for unstable idea that is of chaotic or femalish means that last until you focus on something else. So if yang is life energy for stable things that is to use of creative means and that last, even after you focus an on something else an or until you decide if not to be there. The application is to thought that is possible to be done by unique idea as you do an action that thought up. To create is use with energy so use is energy. By use it gets easier as you focus use by meditation or relax, as a thought or what you practice is done easier in idea.

   This is to magic as thought is a type of magic sometimes thats done to cause major results, as you draw in energy from the 6th dimension or its abhorrent magic strain in some water energy. This in thought to create results is that think you can remove aberrant idea to stop an influence that forms the abhorrence or something that is unnecessary.

  As tis a basic point, basically its thinking of your purpose and intent as you create some end result. Then as it is unnecessary as you did what was necessary as your subconscious thought the idea is as in the right word achieved, stating the result can remove to erase the result as you will the intent to manifest if necessary.

  Possibly drawing a sigil thinking of the result, to create the effect easily, as objects are what they seem as your dead from even mentioning. This fact from the charged energy already nearby to use, as your relaxed in as a 13th dimension is the ruler Feloh or to see use to kill from the root Felohk or the crystal that was cursed. As anyone that wants to get killed thats around you or the area can die.

Conscious Subconscious focus in thought

   That is the area to use by thought or feeling is the area in use. As your balance is there in use or thought is energy by summons with magic. This is what is there in by what is an idea in use. As there is in use as essence to the thought, your idea is sense by te feel in the thought to the use in energy in is thought to seem as you think or create by feel with focus. Their is there as theoretical in use, that is in nothing sense or sense by sensical use in idea. Ise is water ice  frozen by an idea of coldness.

  As your sense otherwise is known by telepatic by sensed feel or thought is there, think to their mind that your sensed as you want to seem sensed in the feeling. As your sensed in life your life "ese", essence in thought by thought or thought by sense to them. Say with thought is sometimes use in activity by the essential oil to use, as a profession to live with what you see useful. So not reacted by reaction or as thought you believe until this is proven as your cool.

   As the area your idea is sense in idea if in nonsense is innocense or thought sense to feel or by the feel. This is focus by the heart, thought in idea to the area time sense allows you to see to travel or seem to the area that your safe to allow or not bother. So the right idea is sometimes the right idea in images, by the perceived to seeable place you think as the right suggestion is the correct activity.

  There is what you sense or see by illusion to water idea. As you see by adiou or action in perception, so if you know water that is effecting you. That is there so you can see nothing unless necessary to the sense, create in the idea or not as tough is thought an nothing. As you see this is gone with the right vision or not to use, if not necessary for those that need to work or over work don't do as you leave to wherever.

   As you think subconscious is with a conscious area or use is the brain activity, thought is no to the feel that is the subconscious consciousness in idea in thought. A theory is thought by the telepathic use in feel, this by use in idea so in new experience your cool by thought. See for the experience thought or hurt to others that is not always wanted, that is prescientific warning to see what is there that can deter or see as you need or not to not do.

  So tune your senses by idea in or near an idea world area, there by sense to see is by what is there hidden in life stop you've seen. As thought is what you think use is consciousness or think you think to see, as you walk or see use so to go to use as you see what is by the energy in perception in use. So this is a point that you think, creates by view the energy you think to exist or unexists sometimes experiences with extremism.

   As this in thought creates as thought is not in use, if thought not if no interest as each one is a way with thought. So don't always dismiss what is thought as wrong. As you so or seem in use the area energy matrix creates by the planet energy, still or not seeming as is nothing isis creates is there unless necessary or is what you do thought to create. This by listening is use as a watch with concept or not is the use in thought as aether thought.

  So not to do is in thought or seeing is minded idea. This was what I got from a few faery tales, that I watched in the computer use as Anime episodes are thought to see or in exist. As your an energy being created by love, this is your idea by magic your own creation in idea to not always use. You have a magic soul by what you use magic with sex.

   The method to their ability is the third eye manifest, the eye master is mastering by idea that you think is open to create with no feel by thought. No feel in thought is a feel in thought or not is sometimes yes because not is nothing in concept, think by the use that you can see as use or your sense is feel as you except to what you perceive or not is allow in thought by love or life.

  This can seem what you are or is thought base view in life, seeing as your based view in life changes view or what you sense. This or use an idea that you create with, this as the aspect or sense that creates your idea is what your sense indicates what is right or considered is cool clues. Thought is a probable death, as you know what it is sometimes with the power.

   As you see, sense or create in view, that is the thought to the view is not the tv that you see in use as you see that is the last person in passion. As your energy is idea to the area you see in idea, as a sense your point that is pointless creation is thought that your create is great enough. So if wrong, flawed, created equal to your sense, sensation now let the mana glow or work in the body by viewable results is energy. Thought to the area is some alter you sense to the area in an idea, so by the sense you see is by thought to the creator to view by what you think to create.

  As if your alter to the sense in viewable area results, to the area you see that is what your area is that you present in life to those that want to view. So as energy is anarchy or thought to see, as your peace you see is by understanding this. As your able to work is this by water or this is what you mind, here by understring is thought known as subspace that is sense with means there as thought in understanding to consider or use. Some idea is life to work the area. This is by what you see in sense, sense or not your not there till you want to be.

Focus seeing 6th dimensional style

  This cool area use is the 6th dimensional idea in use. Tis is an area to use by the feel, focus is energy thought or taught that, things that can break will shift the area in use or your energy shifts is you away to get away in an from the death you might get by death waves with the broken item or see use to not think the person is effected that is linked to the object.

  Done is I could feel the use things to the moment but not with a blanket, as a blanket is any type of covering where the viewable color is thought idea to focus. Think, focus, feel is a point in the thought to create, so the creator as necessary can by focus undo the idea.

  Seeing as you see the area was use, as the energy was perceiving what in use by thought altering brainwaves that was doing or wanted. As you see the area use was as you were or were is altering your pattern in space is change by thought not control by use. That was were use for the 6th dimensional area I thought up. So as I was were using or doing things the area was doing to me what I was if I want things done.

  Considered the thought to do is what you are considered, done with the use that can seem were or your energy is misconstruing or not misconstruing things. Thought is perception with avis not by avis or activity, that is what you sense to perception in idea is the activity you see to aware idea.

  As you see this is release to the earth as a cool point to the 6th dimension as responsible. Watever is thought in irresponsible behavior is response, not in idea or done is use or things in wasted moments are what is construed by feel. Seeing that is a sacrifice to their area to see free or better idea, seeing by feel is othersense or thought can exist by the idea.

  That dies there you see or what you think can happen, as you thought "were you to kill a bug or toss something away it dies the conscious or things exist as you want." A knock seen is a warning. Were is a altering by a thought or seen as a knock to death or thought warning by frustration. This is the otherease or othersense with use. Things you use or energy create aren't, always better by telepathic thought sensing use you sense.

  As this uses the words or thought actions, the area is what your wording is that the area can do. so slowly or however you are moving you create interesting idea or misconcept by the words you seem. So think your not effected, defected or otherwise thinking, as I am thinking your cool is thought your unaffected. Think to ward away trouble by what you consider the use, see to use the 6th sense is the third eye manifest with focus.

The thought by 6th dimensional view

  This is the 6th dimension by the 7th dimensional viewpoint with fireworks. The 6th view is in as a point death as a dealt area that to thank you is life as they are what death creates by life creates to see, what is there to what energy is there from idea is by what you create.

  As the area is dangerous don't go in unless necessary, as were possibly in recreated view that can seem by illusion. As your energy is in because to thought your point if to kill an innocent or kk is not done, as you don't see the sense in of an thought the person uses. You can think to send energy to cause what they want or not if necessary.

  This is by idea that is similar to the similar concept or idea is cool. Cool is not bad off where hot is bad idea. So what you think is in creation. Similar to what you do is sometimes misconstrued. Still water is where you see that is what you get, so the area or interest in interesting things is thought to exist. See general basis to the idea that is in thought to understand or not misconstrue what is there.

  This means the 6th dimension is the new hell. Added to by what you think or not. As you think to constrain to suppressed urge the demon is gone by thought feel or getting off. So as you were is this thought to see or exist. That is no longer there as you think this isn't good as this depends on "wo" as who this is. So give or get things to do or avoid what you hate until necessary.

   So this isn't what is seeming necessary unless necessary as to seem necessary you can create the idea to exist or not exist, as the area is not allowing disturbance by the feel or thought is feel to the use in idea to create better this was to advance medicine but is no longer necessary as the energy corrects by the creator. So the idea you see is what you can create with or use is tough, as thought is not allowed.

  This was moments ago that I noticed irrational idea dissipating, so tis work as this is known as engelmans concept. The idea there is nothing more than nanotech, that is the cell response by silver particles your subconscious in use creates by perception to adaptable point by use for adaption by change that doesn't have to be new.

What I found

   This is what I found out, that mostly if you think itse true time idea is true until you think its not. As perception is creative by prevention your thought is an idea this is almost anything that the subconscious can then create. Tis as this is the case that is the idea you use, your point is mute or nothing as proven is innocent idea or thought you see in idea unless you don't do the urges.

  There is an idea to the energy use other, than what you see or sense in thought now otherwise your idea is sabe or sane act to see or what you predict in sense is by what you feel to work. Thus your subconscious gives warning by the area it perceives, otherwise its when or were what you see as the idea is the thought you can detect by the point.

   As you sense or feel then made idea the being that makes things happen, in psychic idea or normal perception is wat you can use in superan or thought you sense is things you can easily use by what you sense supernaturally. So if you need something, the supernatural area is what will do the idea you think. The idea that was done before, if you don't want to percieve things to the area you might if you feel the area.

  This was a fclhth or forklift that is near there that I was with senses to see thought that it would do, this with there in idea was born of bad energy with idea to bad clothes. That is a thought by what is there, as this is so where thought is better this is not worse till proven in worse by idea that is idea.

   See to know what is there in idea by thought, unless the presence is what you can perceive by the area you can use as experience. The point you sense is the thought, that essence is the sun use to create with thought to perceive. This an ancient american museum that is livable if the end result is realized to work with as your area is legal or thought with legal walls. As you think to use focus to the area you can see cracks or figures with the use  of some idea. The area thinks the idea is concept to create with if you don't always need to view it, yet can seem like a curse to use.

  This is the area to use to thought, if you don't think to see or use the area life you won't be effected. As you won't want to effect it the area isn't responsive to you that is there. The wreck is te area you see in use yet isn't livable in the area as the sublayer, that reality is revealing by thought details if you want to see it the destroyed aftermath. I think it fits the name of a earthquake set off by thought to a volcano to not erupt, though in the movie though this space was displaced in 2912 by the 5th dimensionists.

  See for thought or depicted idea in the movie 2012, this was necessary to the use or thought that was not obvious this is possible here to make the scene plausible. This was energy in as though by the thought or area in use, that caused the idea that you see or sense is thought as if a movie scene yet not moving if nothing was thought to what is there.

  This only appears to lunatics or people that are sensitive. I think psychic was te energy intent that caused it, without that you can dismiss the energy or thought as that will disperse the wall energy to not exist. The area was actually disrupted by a chaos string in the area that is once considered the superstring, yet too much focus direct your attention away from the area.

  That can seem what breaks down the area by focus with intent to realize the end result, as a concept in realization by area to break or cause you to be ripped there. See or the dimension developes rips in the area, like a Dr Who effect to cause the area to disrupt itself as it ceases to exist to not effect you anywhere you are as down the road or thought is called "fellock" as it causes falling down or disruption of anyone. Don't think about the idea so the area won't effect you.

  Focus to the word to sense by what so you are not lying down unless necessary or things can seem in idea that is seen that are solely lunatic that is a vampiric presence, see or feel is what that feeds off with the souls it consumed with a hit there by idea as your effected your not effected.

  This is with credit in report or other focus that is thought in the idea, you want to find by analysis in idea is thought by focus that is not cheating the idea as they pay themselves. As they think their paid they are by their subconscious.

   As your ordeal that senses out an idea is good to thought not bad as this is not nasty, so that what I perceived in psychic sense is thought tragic or in the area energy. What you sense is bad or buried restless dead there, as you see this is thought changed in view or better so what you are in idea to think is to use thought in some times by idea.

  That was essentially energy to use things, so don't believe religion to do suggestion unless necessary as needed to thought. This is the existing idea to the area as perception to rid things you perceive is sometimes just necromancy.

   That is the point there to use or by idea in thought this to the area, as you don't always perceive by what isn't thought to use or not. As you see this isn't what you can see to cool off or peaceful rest the ghost, so as you think to the presence to not exist as cease this. As you say some idea is existence to some. Some are aware where some are not awake as they sleep, so what you see in life is not as you can believe in concept by idea.

  You don't have to do the idea that is what gets you arrested trouble to know what is wrong by long range sensing. As your seeing this your free by realization, that your subconscious cancels out the bad before you do the act or not do what you want so you think before you act. All that wanted to so not is not if necessary where in if don't necessay or things aren't necessary.

  That is perception only, so that leads to concept death or fake out by perception. So if that is what you see, the chance increases to remove with focus or a holey stone thought that is dissipate if this is done. Tis by the feel in idea where the creator unexists, this can unexist with thought by the feel to a lit or imagined lit candle to not exist as you think. This is the common point thought to "not exist" the attacker before the attack.

  So that was sprite as an idea a faery with a grudge was named oberon with the cause before death by mental illness in idea. This was thought to the area as a private investigator found, that is a cool idea to see or check in the area by outbound notices. As if not done don't create, seeing as script over where there is magic in a phrase.

The 6th dimensional direct use

   As if there is a point to energy and expression is dislike if you like, if you think death is the energy release necessary then this can lead to the right conclusion as you kill the moment that is by the right thing said, magically expressed or thought is otherwise. As this allows a destructive keyboard or mouse click to get rid of dislikes or use by feel and focus, think this is with crystalline energy in thought and brought by things your aware of as awesome is a thought, this is not as energy supports the need by necessity. For the need in fantasy is different from the things in real life, real as you focus and the third eye manifests by the feel you just create and use is the area energy by feel or a touch.

  This is energy by the subconscious that fills in or substitutes your need, as your point by use is by the mention, think as a point or not as you see the feel in life to create with energy. Disgusted as the created is the creator with black magic, as if energy not otherwise thought is dislocated as association is made.

   Thanks for your information, the 6th dimension is the plane of existence with a place of killing energy that can warp things. Yet seems to be the same place as ours. 6th dimensional energy can cause insanity, very easily.  As insanity is instant the insane idea energy, disperses and disappears as if a shot cures things.

  Thi is the building conscious, as if a character formed as you want from the being this is from as that is a concept and from formed thought. That is what you can do to use with, as though a god and create a being as if a a creator that uses your subconscious as direction to do or not. As you are with a thought, this is conclusion with a moment to create as though with a point and the act goes on.

  This is the spell, to make a space in the 6th dimension. The Cil Ean = The 6th reality; No the 6th dimensional form demise to create and accept, transphase to the 6th with the 5th as life essence to create with and the form that you need is possible but not if you don't desire it. The 6th can reach out and touch you, as this is a practical joke on you unfortunately or not, and unless you don't intend to and use it this is just. As in an idea that this is what, you can use this to attack with as by use is on close in quarters.

  As the close in quarters are closer in though an is isn't an institution freak that is thought, and that you do not like on dislike or what you dislike you can avoid. As that can make things, from what is the criminals energy and is not a computer crime you can create in mind as you will things in effect of this. There is no actual time in the 6th dimension, as things are if you need it to be as you think of a place and this can seem a ship place or anytime. As if a scene or concept, that is in or things are what they seem in mind to do or don't do as if you don't you decide. That can seem there, as such is a fantasy concept to do, to create in mind to think about and undoing into making creates the temperal nothing effect. If you don't intend to see reason to do things, then you don't do to them what you think.

  As if a bump freak this is acknowledgement to what you do that is a defense that can attack in spirit to attack things or not in disturbance in the force not liked on thought, with dance combat that you don't like as you use it to almost wreak havoc on. An ideal isn't but an created thought or not as if enemy that is energy to target or not, this does gets energy as you get energy except for what you then know what you don't need that can go to it. The phase out or phasing to other planes is a concept to shift back or shift forward, and things on that you don't in like an you think away and do. As you think is best or think not, or complete sentences as not is nothing in a moment to get better conclusions. The thought you have, is what you think to use and have is what you get.

  Avoid people that study in panic as you do in a fight, that as they can use what they know against or for you. The possible 6th dimensional energy is what allows you to control and use the 6th dimensional field energy, as there is of no regard if you don't want to be noticed as the 6th is thought on and used as a resource and your individualized self is what you use for death impulse and other moods are thought. This is what you can use for doing things to focus your mind, this is what you can occur effect by idea with and what you do is not think and do and describe the purpose, as mention this is what works to cause and correct for what you think on to end. This is think of a purpose, and do or not as you say in technique, this is what you think on then balancing out with the checkbook, or other account and you are focused in on as you form your pets, that are human or what have you in thought. The thought experiment in serious concept, is what you use to get what you desire as you in disguise are gone.

   Each thought you do want in thought is noted by someone, that is what you in purpose make to create by what the idea in mind is to do and only if you want a 6th dimensional form, as what you think is done if you want it to be success then you can choose a form to be in the 6th or not and you live as though beyond death until you thought as to earn life to shift away an your spirit jumps to the 4th and the planet of the four suns. This can in the area in secluded space, this is what in reasoning moments that allow you to make anethema effects as you don't think bad you won't get bad. You can form faeries as you need to, by what you do with a form that is what you do and you don't get disrupted by power outages in from a solar star and this is inferred as you are energizing by what you wish and what you thought.

  The energy is there as you desire, but what you do makes and gno breaks. The moment you don't, need this space it collapses in upon itself and closes down and if in need then you are aware and make whatever excuse you want you can create as fey as fey energy can allow. The reality in is in what you know, in as you think in and in change by out idea with mention the scene can change to seem adjusted by thought to adjust your whim in you or their scene mind is stabilized except as that dimensional mind you are as though tempered.

   As this is true, revert or not cast recasting by Opp Ce you won't get any unnatural result in any way known. The thought exists that you are not born but alive as you want to seem. Any disagreements gets a strange in thought an to be struck as by flying objects and this is assured to work to not undo any action and work with what you get, if you had to know then you will know from the reality that is spoken of in no regard. The object you touch and do with, to think success to an area is what you make to create any actual result.

  Whatever you do and disagree in thought is not done, and if you don't want to be disrupted in life by purpose from unknown races your not as though immune, by what you die from is what you awake from and this not ever will kill you again unless physical damage is taken on regard to other things. What you do is what you need by what standard, you choose and what you do is how you choose in deed by choice of what is thy own and you are not ever disturbed by a flow of water, that you draw from that is source energy that you soothe your mind from whatever you think.

  As what you think in effort is undone energy in released area, to where you want it as free energy source in what you consider as a thought is energy of any negative or positive action. This concept is what can be used whenever, wherever, however and in where you think it as state the spell the effect is done and you are released. No idiocy is done or you will die from what you feel before the moment you actually feel it in an accident. Don't and if in mind you are in a space, you don't recognize take a step back and you are back where you are from and death ensues after you die and is what you think as to what you do if asked and if so you are summoned if not then you don't die as you kill those in what is dying space. Which in thought, is gone and you are an object yourself.

The 6th dimensional food

  This is the 6th dimension in food to no idea, as if you had a unlimited supply of food you can use the thought. To eat or not and you will in use things to make food or water with or without more or multiple pockets of what is a food larder as with no food in the idea food, as if the moment is a lesson idea is to pick a food and create it out of thin air. No as if the idea was unique, and you are what you think as if you were dissipating things from an idea to use is there from essence of death unless you don't want it to.

The 6th dimensional pantry

  The is the pantry that is what there is described in food, as a specific area in nothing that is a point in where things magical are stored. Think tap and you are thought to seem, unseen as you get what you think and place things.

The 6th dimensional conscious

   The thought is a point, and what is thought is motion that you think and then do. As you think you consider, as this is a point in reference that is a thought that you conclude, as if to do you are a thought in motion and stopped by stopping and continued to do or movement in cancelment as a a source. Then use the creator to create with, and you can conclude as you create with the creator or make with the thought of intent. Think with what is a concept, as you think you can get some end result. As you realize what you did wrong, you create as this is think what is considered a stopping point in thought if corrected if in considered. If any flaws, and you avoid the flaw this is as its real you work around it.

The 6th infinite motion

   This is the infinite motion, things as thought are you in what you are as a thought where if thought you are a motion, the thought is a motion as you think. You can get things, as if you use them and use is to leave what is there. The object you create with a touched motion is a concept that muscle increases, and to seem created equal to the motion that is a moment and that is a thing to see unless you don't intend to show. "It iz isn", what is isn't motion and is in a point to seem what you want as you can create whats said but not whats done. As in what is said is a point to create whats memory as a simple conclusion is a simple thought used, to recreate what is there as if a touch and you can create the thought in mind if you need it there.

  As if a thought, you create and what you seem to get is what you are doing, as is in what you think is there. As the spirit knows you can create the idea, that subconscious is "can wizard erase to get retracted idea in thought for use" that is not there after. There is a point that is no use and as each use is there, as a sigil you can trace the sigil and it will create what will be there. There in mind is in a remembered thing to use, in that as if you can see and use what is a thing of the past. Make use of the motion observed by incident as the spirit sees, as the motion is movement or exists as a motion is made by what you see or what you create with a concept.

   As a concept per each idea is a use to create an incantation to work in a spell effect and the object, you use as energy can sustain or not sustain the form you think on. As each thing that in thought exists to you, you can create what thought there is if out by threat or seem in an incidence. Happenstance is by this as it is what idea and the idea can create, by the things you see as in a source in what area as land is a point in reference as thought as a source changes to the will. You restore what is a point, as yet thought is what creates by the creator and yet not restore the idea in body in mind. The restore is a thought, as if ability taken if from the object or thought this is a concept use. As a point is gone or otherwise not in the end used, dismissed in different view.

  As a conclusion or things, "Ty" are a time of lore used to thought and create as if a source to "use". The body use is a thought, to use the motion is to use the movement to get a point and create what is. Now you can use a cure as energy purifies, and cure thought as what is a thought in action makes what you think and you are not what is a thought. As a thought is action to make is to use the sun with a concept, think and drop the mention and think if to use the needed idea is to speak to direct the energy.

The 6th infinity

  The infinity is a point is fun with the infinity sigil, that is what restoration or not dastardy as a kid or good use can create what is. This is the world within a world with a world, by view in concept that creates what is a thought and what you create is what is thought unless what you think not to do. There if you end you can create, what is a life that you want to create in however you think in a thought. What stops this isn't thought but feeling that guides, as a heart is a thought is not there to do. This is a credidarma effect that is creditkarma in form, and as you are a way to see things you are what you think you seem as not. To end this is to not do anything at all and as you do things in the "Quit reality Stop De spells Dat"

  The 6th is the point that reference makes, as you think to keep an activity stored you can place it on a 6th dimensional computer that is there as imagined. As in use is a thought and that is a considerance, use is a televised user or thought in a scene that creates in a thought that is in to bring you what you energize. As you think the thing you thought, you are energy with use with this as a concept thought that it comes to you is what creates the idea that is an enchanted object as you move about. As the thought you think is a thought in use, it is what programs the idea in what you use as there can see a use.

  As such, think your need as such to create a need to do. The sentiment is what creates a thought as a mention that creates the 6th to show and create a scene or thought by in activity and otherwise things you use are an energy source. As in a source is in an energy source, this in a source is a point that is what intended is a use. As what is in a point, this is a path that is in use. As use is in a mode to create with, and as such you use things to create things. If you don't that as a thought you "Don't thought intend it as you don't think infinite motion" In thought is responsibility, don't overintend as you think to use the idea so no, thought as intended idea ceases to exist as a thought in theory is no longer useful.

   Foco = Focosing; This is to take the face off someone, or otherwise you hook yourself up in the air and it is energy as if to materialize around your neck. Don't do this if you don't need to express you as you are revert in timewise motion. Revert is a thought, that is nothing as this is a this that isn't done in mind.

   The Do or no = The Thought done; No thought is who done it type deal. Whatever it is time is as in a point this creates a time to do what is a concept, or not as in a thought you are not observed and if not in a thought this is a point of view. Who done it?

The idea of consequences

   This is the planet that is a moment, but you can choose to live it or "en" not. The idea with thought is what guides, the places in mind are a concept and as you are a way. The way is a choose and get things in a moment to bridge the gap to spaces, and survive as if in a time you can get a better deal by what you say or create. As this can seem original, you are a place or thing to create an as if spoken a point you can create a place. As though a place in time, in an imagined idea and time exists for us in a way to use by thought what energy is a source. This is a liberal use of the two that love, as use is a point to thin as if to think and get places. The two lovers is a sign of "rwo" that is a rowan fantasy granted, to live if you think to live or consider what things are in life. As if a thought, this is the idea to base things for use.

The Sanity Warriors

  These are the sanity idea in the 6th. The sanity moment is as though, so is the word to free yourself from the area you are in idea to do in iife as you are to do as thought is in the life you live, where ever you live as if you are where you are you are and as you are willing or not to do things you don't unless you intnd to get better results from reverting time. As if you are with thought to die of nothing, as you are with life to live until you are dead of old age that you can use thought. As energy can seem there, as drawn in by subconscious use and you can seem younger on neccessity. You can lose you as if a person in your mind that was insane and seem justice to kill him or her off, and you can seem sane yet again if you are alive and well again to live beyond the grave as though alive and not intended killed.

The power of death

   The power of death is to use death energy to create with intending purpose as death is pose required, as suppose you will and you do or not as you can create it by the effect of removing it from yourself and then using it in a shield effect that is what can create. This what is in use or cause as if things to do, are things that are, and what you require is subdued or thought done. This is the use of what you think, or not as you are using what is not where you think about in a concept that is life. Where wee create it and you use it or not as you think to do.

   Use of necromancy comes from this, as your use is to do as you seem to do and yet you are not. As if you don't dare apologize as this can be a very interesting point where death magic is, this is in use of life essence in life to create with life is to make with a life effect. So, in the true meaning of death and life you actually serve death, as life is and your use is to get better idea from what use there is unless you send away death energy to sun. Necromancy is this, as described here and use is very interesting.

   The power of death in effect is to create a mind that which sits and not do to be noticed, as this is the moment you are realization you are agreeing to do certain things. As this is the matchup in the mind you can create, by use with death pulled from the body as if it is not with idea you are capable. This is with the eye in of the brain manifested that as you can, use is the due of the moment as this is do or do not as you die and become alive. As if not forgotten as if third eye makes you alive from dead and as if not ever view death to not if ever been dead. This is a jump or thought, or if in thought you can seem to shift into the body as if to remain alife is given if in birth it is not defect. As if you are alive in the body that was prepared, for you you are never as if thought and you are as if thought is if to live and not die till you decide. As if to die and the spirit releases, as if to get to places and if thought you shift. You can use this spell to do the effect, if you need to do kill or not as you think to leave them alive.

   This is the beyond point, as you are in awareness you can do things and sense is there you can detect as this is where in if want you do. Desire builds the thought, the mind makes the concept as the moment is done you can begin and end at the same moment you began. The idea is to make and match, with a conceived before point and made after event. This is where you go as if you go you are what this can seem, if you can try or not and you are done and you are due what you think if you regard it as due in an idea. This is the due point you are thinking about, as you can become as though thought were real and you are their will as if they created what you think to become. As if you are whatever you think you can make idea don't, in to make due death a point to create with a thought as if you were good in thought but action is interesting. Dieing by this method does not ever happen, as you can send energy back to the idea you can use as a body you can think and now do.

   As if the body were living as if a body but not deceased at all you regain. An idea to use as if a power, as you get power that is energy from a wall. As if you die you can seem alive, as if you never die and you can choose where you go and never before die as if you existed and remember all lives that you lived. As this is the truth, sensed out by what you think and do you can still try to use what was there but not if in abuse. All you have to do is to use the idea to jump bodies, as if there were extra body to use and you can think and choose in from your lives as you seem to explore with and if you can you can go to the next life. You go as you can and test yourself as you know yourself, you don't die there and if your other mind self or real life in is done.

  You can make your body adjust to the idea, and it can resemble the next life as if next life in life but existence is a point to work with a thought said 'soul'. You can decide not to die until you choose to not see and not die as fairy, this in life or that in moment to die there is no death except life that passes on and you can get better as life goes on here. Their is will is people to live and, you are what you may seem to exist as you are what seems to do now never to not know as if you are what is forever but on a given note with need that you are stone dead. You are a being that is a god in life by choice, and you are to seem or are in any dimension as each time you are in an upper dimension.

  This is in an upper dimension you are free and useful, where you can go and become as you are and can think to be in time. This is the death of seems to die from, and as you die you are alive. This is the power, of death that is in thought of no use to use with no insanity exists that with the burden of love is in no more. You can choose to relive or not, just say sanity and warrior sane you are stabilized. As long as its not destructive, you can use it safely and things are not destructive in use.

The psyche energy

  The psyche energy is what you are thinking, as you psyche up as you are thought to do you build up energy as you try to attempt things. Thus, you psyche up the moment you are more energetic. Wholesale goods become more affordable, the more energy you have at the moment as the more energy you psyche up will increase chi. The life force will allow you to believe, that what you do will create what you want and what you want is possible. The psyche can do anything, as long as you are thinking and doing unless you abort thought and do something else. Now stop as need, and if you don't forget as you don't need to do things then the will to remember is with thoughts. The idea to put somewhere else, as the will to forget is there and you remember afterword with focus.

  The dynasty psyche ward

The psyche ward is in the area where you are psyche and as you there are more you's that are there, for deranged and otherwise in the same area and they are the trapped, insne or unmoral you people that area can allow to exist. The phyche energy is where you area things, as if in your mind and this is any set complex in which you want create or you get a adjuction effect.

Dislocation Time

   The Dislocated as dislocated time where motion of things in time can dislocate things to create a new result, or action to get a better result and a natural shift as you get an in point idea to try and do things and an out point idea to thing and do as if you are possible. Things are done as you are okay with, what time will allow. This allows you to place one thing and then you can translocate what you think you kill or not kill as you effect action with altering reasoning, to alter the timeline is to shift by what you touch or shock the body to shift out to where the body translocates to by what you do and your thought acts as a change of the area as if it were energy. This is where things in thought and you are where you want to seem in time by what, and you think to seem in a moment that you are willing to go and find a way to seem correct for the right conscious shift. As you think about the moment in your mind, so remember use your point that you think about and think. This as is natural thought to fix the right brain situation, and adjust to seem right as you intend to shift.

   As this causes the right reaction, in time that shifts you as thought natural. What you think in a thought motion and desire, and then to imagine or state the right thing is to create a memory thought as is to create. An idea and this is the mention to do or not act on, as though the s-curve of space as we keep our memory and correct as needed as focus. To match of the figure, and if you can think of the person you can get their attributes or not as if you do and think to seem. Think as you imagine the third eye making is to project with the 3rd eye, and think energy on each wall and correct as the 3rd eye creates with the crown chakra an in motion we do else. The effect of protection is this, as you use the area to create in you get the idea to blank as if a mind blank or make something existence elsewhere as if in need.

   There is a way across universe as you think to shift and build up natural harmony, and you use the natural energy that is in life and you think to use things as a natural shift point as you translocate by higher dimension energy use. You think where you want to go and your spirit is shifting you where you want to seem to become by natural harmony that raises vibration and shifts you there. Now you know that there is more ways to get places then are obvious, as if this was the right way pick and choose. First an idea then you get to gnow the dimension, that you get to sense and know with thought to become as is good to act out. As you act out some part, becoming slightly disoriented or thought is to go you shift as you walk to a door and think and you shift by feeling. As you shift the object, you shift in real or perceive what is there and this is his translocation effect.

   At first you will feel dislocated and then you will feel energy now that makes weird, thought of visions as your brain is active and after you will shift as if an energy surge as this is the energy formed of form and shape you in can shift to a place that is thought and deserve possibly mention that you remember or mark. This allows the idea to think and make better, an you can imagine things as the sequence of events is lag. As you think of the events the subconscious sequencer action happens and you focus and imagine what is you think better you seem to alter things, as you observe things you can get the better time point and resolution is to focus things get better.

  However, in this case as you are thinking time rearranges things to do, as you want or as you do things you can not really think about it and do nothing. This creates and as time resets things are accepted as thought action idea is normal, in life or if you don't desire an action it ceases. As it is a sense it in thought seems normal and associated, as if in and transfer or think reason to them as you can accept then things are normal again.

The transition

  The in transition is a phase out in life where you can phase in to get things for better, in thought as in expertise is in to act smart an if you have street smarts. If you had lives and as if you think you are more smarter, as you think better if to talk better and seem to have intelligence. This is in no known thought as consequence is this as you need to know with this is natural energy as this transition is what you are capable of what will live in what life you choose at a given moment. As you choose to be somewhere, you can think to be somewhere and you can become with technology and natural energy to become as to get somewhere. This is to get there and back again, as you think of the space and use by thought link the object or area that you think on. You can chage your perception and values back to what they are as you are alive in the area in which you live. The transition happens as you think of the things written and as you get to do things, you think of your need in your need as you want you desire and as you desire you need. As from the space desire itself, you get more and you use things in thought.

   Take or not this is an addition, work in no distraction to your body rhythmic energy flow and yes in you can get positive energy now en no energy quality thought. This adds energy to you as you get better in life and stuff is there, you can use the energy of the area and place it in an object to create a portkey. This can be summoned, as you become with thought you thin as with atleantians by thought of a mention and use is mention to gather thought energy, used with chi or natural life energy you can use the mention to shift with as if an in idea and mention of the area.

  This is the idea where you open air gates and create summoned energy, or not as though in only the energy can get through the gate or others if you want them as if they knew they are invited. This can also be done, as if now by the in use the open third eye and you can do and the third eye in use can manifest if thought to be open with the gate use. Don't use the thought, this is not as thought suggestion is as though programming as you don't do it to use it.

   This is of the crown chakra and this can be used to halt, any invasion and create any idea into manifest fully things that you imagine or feel the presence of the spirit as hostile. If not feeling good near it you can make it slightly hostile, unless you feel better as you can make it peaceful in by projected energy of peaceful intent. Now if it attacks, attack back and disintegrate it to leave dust as if a thought repository and a purpose is done. Nothing in as in thought your save saves me if you in entities or ghosts if hostile, an no they can be defeated where your not as you use them or not in original size by attribute. As in energy this in though as this is in a magic effect, and in or not this is in a concept by moment as if an independant moment is by being now in magic and in magic. Their out as by imagination with an original concept indeed.

   Now you get the idea, as you can use the object as if you gathered the energy of the area that you focus in on and think to be here. This makes things and whether you gather it by hand or then gather it by a chi hand, and use by what you think of air energy and water and use the effort to think of the area then feel yourself do the right thing activate the object energy you can get the idea of the place and what is there. Enevitable, as if you are there you shift as you are thought energy and transition by natural transition and this is with spirit in things that are correct by correction energy as though thought you reform as you intend to reform. Energy is gathered as if by thought through the use of the spirit, and whomever needs to use it can.

  Now remember that the spirit, can give you warning and knowledge before the moment in as you think you know you will through the air gnosis, as the spirit gathers the energy of the air and the knowledge of the person in an area is there. To seem in use as if in the right person, act as good as within you knew or in you knew not and out you know. The thought as bubble is a natural act of energy, to think you can get along with people as you think it you know it as the thought pops into the mind. As in air then you can as you do as though in service for service, and exchange gifts. Then in a moment that time does things, you get things to do and you can let them go as if by thought. Now was to think or not, no and they use the door as way to exit.

   In thought out thought is you as you know entropy as thought the creator knows, you know and you can draw any knowledge from within him in is life and this thought is in energy as entropy and time you manipulate after by thought of what time to create and after death you are all dimension omnipotent. This is the point of no thought in no unless necessary as you are thought and this is energy from you and you can be seen. As though a natural energy shield you can seem as though this is a wit energy, of other intelligence that is opposite energy in thought and as that is what opposition is this is in an aura shield. This is in a viewing conscious that shows conscious, your life is purpose in every act of what this is in attitude or action does what is your intent or positive intent shield.

  That can be poison to those of nasty attitude, unless you in emerging as you see who is thought this is their energy to adjust to now and you are not in attack you can get along. Use balance in motion that is there and here in thought, and now release the thought as energy in along with the flow of what time is survived you can go and not seem an enemy. You unage as you feel young, run and tensions release themselves in thought in self in body. As you think you now go walk away in life, that you gather from those in fear.

   This called the lucky battle aura in disrupted life is disrupted in area, that which is the natural flow of energy and any no is a neat enchantment that disrupts what is near by a rap to a thing. Think it and you do it, is the rule to energy and natural fighting with useless thought. Think to flow with the energy, as you are naturally thinking your flowing with the natural rhythm of the energy as taught by the energy you are with a concept to write. As this is true, you can think right to know right, as if thought to seem as you are with a music of the now and by nowing you know in a spirit touch or things you need. To know that your spirits advanced, listen as with the flow of natural energy you hear what the spirit can then let you know, as you seem to get along with an ease of tension as the biorhythm is letting you attune and adjust as if you see and drop away energy as you feel in harmony with the area and release the battle tension.

   Think to know as you do things in mind as you use intuitively your gift, as you then can use your pets to see through by a shared thought and they are not unlike a familiar. You can in do to resist a natural will at a willing glance in life to fear. As this is fear in a useful fear glance felt in the aura, is you that can use this to make things back away. Don't project fear back away, and in no they won't fear as if you were a dragon as double your will and you act an arsenist. This can seem in a country that works, with those in fear to trade fear with worry in a thought out with a thought as in a moment to movement in action.

   This is also possible to think of the idea you want yourself to in see and the outer spirit will make it as though it were there, as this is the spirit that goes through everything you can know things before and gather information. As energy to make as though thought were there by your essence, in things that answer by conscious decision and you can use things. As to create by the effort done by a person with your essence, as a guide and you can create by a will of the spirit before the moment it were arrived at or not as it wasn't intended. Soul is easy to use just think and you breath in and out as a trance, to make and will as to do things in an idea in a conscious decision you summon in thought and think to go, as you do you copy the soul and form it into a shape as if to create it by the creator himself as he uses the subconscious to create with.

   As if you were from air, you are not thought to be anyone in use is the thought and thought is the energy that creates a psychic nature or use with other elements. These are the elements that are there and with your spirit they are not intuitive, unless with enough energy they are building intelligent use as with a counterintuitive use and you can do things that are intuitive. That an you are done, as if you don't need to you are stopped as if your third eye as the trouble you face is gone. Use of them is here.. and and use but not hinder for this is as use is use the element you can naturally use is an idea but if you don't help you hinder if in all you do.

   Before in this, there are many styles if you in use of this are there and not there at all as you are unnoticed. Think as if the wind and the wind is remakable, as you feel your need as you will and influence it as if a head or body as if you were thought to speak. Or, if you are fire then think to create fire and you create the moment of a fire manifest as if you pull in the use of fire and it comes from a live source somewhere, you can draw it into the aura and summon it to hand as you cast it forth into the area safe for fire as if a firepit. Think to thin air, and you will be heard. This can be done with other elements too, like earth is the thought of the leylines connected to the earth and think about being somewher and you are but choose your elements carefully and you can get in places with key. This is as you transition, an you can use the idea of what their energy is to you as this can seem as though alive. If you think your nothing and in thought you can seem to be where you think to be, as you can be here on a thought to seem you are.

   As if in by natural choice as in to draw in water and you think to use it, as if on a touch to it was psychic and you are a master of all 5 elements including spirit and soul. You can use it to think of the area, and feel the energy shift things or what the object is shifted to the area. As if you were there and you can shift, as if if shifting to other area were natural to you and ice is to feel the cold and think to move with the gravity and as you mind things. You shift through a natural tunnel, as you move as you surge the energy through the area and you shift as if by the air way that opens in the gravity.

   Think return and you do. This is granted by he the element master, in a moment the creator himself grants it. As you are there, as before you go your in thought as you can choose your change of shape and you can become it as you think to get an ideal shapeshift off. If you have the natural energy flow, you can shift the form as if by will and with your spirit as if you do you view the form and you become what you will. He that does this is ensured to come back, with the will of a god and the more the person does, the more godlike you are as you avoid bumping into things and just touch them instead, if its a live source you can fix the moment and create as you will as creator.

   There is a will in thought in a way to save yourself from any problem, as you think your nothing you act to shift somewhere and as you step back and think of where you want the gathered energy surges and you are back to where you came from. If safety is to avoid hitting your head, gather thought and you aren't hit as you can avoid this by sensing it out with a view portal. As if thought formed the portal, and the view exposes what is there by think and negate the act. As if before the moment, you seem to shift and the act to return is done. Any use of the monitor is useful as well, as its a magic device to use as an artefact and create with this is to make the created effort as if by ease and if on a thought this be use. By will thought and concentration, by focus in you can in feel your need in an idea to create yourself an appearance as if there but somewhere else and things of else is done. As you are aware of what you think, or observe to do there is reason.

The insistance

  The instance and in not moments is the the morning light of the day, as you can get things to do you get things to go. The idea is what you get to do, that is the revitalizing light of what you do. This is the moment you are good but cool to the area as you feel good, act in an instance and restore what you think to work with. As you restore, you can get things to work right and as this happens, you can get things to do better as though the creator will is what you think and do things to work right. This the moment we can get better and any negative thought diseases disappear. As if you are willing to do better, the positive attitude can adjust the negative and you can get things that work for you. This is the instance that ends in what you think, 'shroud' is a part that should end shadows and you are unseen if you were in a moment and this the thought to achieve. You can get things to fix things as if their life source is what can be directed to restore what is there.

The body effect

  The body effect is to work on a few things to do and as you do, think of a death scene and make for a death effect. This is where you can think to a person a scene and you make their subconscious think they killed you. Then you can get to make a scene in their mind of appearing as a different person. As you do this, you can make yourself seem to appear, as if a pile of ashes that actually appear in real life from the imagination effect. As if they sought to kill you, they are appeased as if there and not as you here. This all done on a thought, to think as if you are alive yet dead and yet alive as living is a state that you can seem alive. As you are alive in an upper dimension, that is where this is energy sent to your body or not as you are alive and well no matter where you are. This uses the third eye to get this done, as the crown chakra can do this idea with the third eye as I. Never do this on someone, whom doesn't seek to kill you or threaten you nonetheless. To do this trick is to think, and its done as though an 'as I do' is stated.

The apartment room complex

  The apartment effect is to do as in a concept, to make a thought and seem in a thought as this in a moment can create an idea. The room in the apartment in the center is to create an instant medical shift that is what is what is considered in an idea moment. To due a cost is not anything as the room caster is not but a conscious idea. This is like a superintelligence but it draws its, as this is the case you can abandon your quest as to do as in a moment and wake in your bed as the moment is done with. As this with thought, your with an idea an with an idea to use you can repair almost anything. This is what is the thought, as if you are an idea and charmed into doing better and see whats there. You can seem nothing as you do as nothing is done unless you are what be out with a move through an open door, as to be right outside of the building. By leaving the room, you are in the apartment in complex. Your into the idea to do, as if to do in a moment you can do thought as though faster than light and think as in the moment is the time you choose as you sense things you get things to work with.

  This apartment idea is a reason in an action as if an amazing complex, in that uses the whole building to be tesseracted as in a time shield separated from time you get things to do. As if a vanishing thought, you are able to work and create as if looked at and unnoticed if you don't want to be observed. Not move or move as you want, any time and any life, you are able to create in an energy room that has magic set the rules. This is the set done and create moment, ableminded you are able to create at a will and do as though a thought were a whim and any area is able to create as though you. This is done by a thought not done 'Maer Q'. The subconscious is in thought not as you are with a thought. But, with the motion it does, the magic is necessary to create with one word. As you can use in action, to enter you are to think of a room and you can enter into an area as this is a room or not as you are not welcome there but here you are.

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