Create is a concept that makes the edge as if thought is a point and as sharp, an idea if as atomic edged weaponry you do as I sorta like an idea your thought is use as to avoid alcohol. That is not alcohol sugar concept to the area of illegal content. Yes the equivelant area energy is an actual use, so think to imagine as though to use idea as you want.
Not right is what brings disaster yet right brings no 1 inch blade to your belly. That brings desire or feel by no result or result is there, if you dismiss by alpha waves that is focus to relate to a scene "in en mo". As in energy by emotion is not in relapse to create your able minded to see, so or feel the area conscious for a correct trip.
As you see you "can seem to create a weed feel without weed by meditation", seeing that in the area you use things to create things. See that is what can seem weed, so you can correct or turmeric with stevia or sugar. Relaxation techniques thought then aren't to seem overused.
Tis can make you dumb if your too lax viewed in thought, as you don't think except to do things for yourself as you see you can create yet don't as you feel in you to create or fix what you see or you won't think to do things unless reminded.
Thats sometimes all that is a drink is water without high fructose, by feel as earl grey with lemon or creative energy focus to the drink. So this can create more longetivity by idea. So an idea is equivalent to how long you work with the area. So you see "ah yeah" that is energy by water or use with witty idea. That is an idea for an advanced energy use, as you are aware to change by thought as you are or curious. Think "ageless" for the creator to unage till you don't need to so don't mention it.
If one has no challenges, one finds a necessary niche to be disruptive or create with his actions. So the clue here is to be active, yet relaxed in a thought to seem in a cool place that isn't inhabited. Strained slightly with breaks in activity at certain points, but not all the time. The lifetime can be improved with balancing the activity that happens with us. So if you ask, we are thought to use as we use things and continue with what we want. Think or can is thought if necessary, follow the guidelines below for improvement or no impediment.
Think or don't to start out, we sleep in a general pattern or creative do what you want. That is to go to sleep at the same time at night and rise at the same time in the morning. Sleep is important but there is a way to make up for lost energy while doing sleep. It is called resting. As its an idea, to attentively do things by thought. Why do the rest? It is meditation and sleeping while bad dreams are kept off. This is healing with concept or creation by will or will not, think as this isn't necessary and when it is you create.
Thought is a payment no more as tea or made idea is payment is and otherwise to not be distracted, this is thinking or sleeping as thought you see in thought to see in life someway somehow. The ability to think is time to do things is correct is what you think. As thought is idea as nothing is done and your idea is what was thought or could be, the shift in dreams is not actually what tis seems in dream envisioning.
Thought to be is as this isn't the dream, that is interpreted by body senses consisting to dream sense. Nothing is there till you figure out what is and if the resolve, thinking is with biding the time the situation is done or in not as nothing needed. Think "live longer, eat right and work as you want in life and you are right or not." As you can do wat is essential to the body, think and you won't not seem in unright moods in life. This elongates life energy, as you think life to live longer you can seem to live. Think you will seem alive allot longer, if you want to try to by the creator that is do or due that is what can guide you to do so.
When in a pattern in good sleep is a pattern of resting that starts, this is beta waves in the brain that uses idea to think as you focus. As there if you void meditate on curing with the alpha waves, think or only meditate as this uses chaos or energy already there. The body resonates as with the aura thought in reason and response is thought by seeming better and making things up, as the healing become faster in the body for 10 to 30 minutes by area energy.
This can use a strobelight in effect to create dream sequencing, as a light is good to correct sleep with you can focus energy to create. As you will or think create the events by what you consider or the spirit can use energy to create energy. This is where you are able to create at will and make in moments, think by the thought that you are by the saddle side and creating and use is feel with intuition by insight. Wake up as you think in the feel to be awake and you continue or seem as the point is what they might want to see.
Suggest as the person is dreaming or direct to thought to keep composure by the strobing light or blinking light, as tis creates the different scenes or thought in progress to see by the creative conscious. If resistant to hypnotism you can not be effected, if you want to not and need to seem in focus that wakes you up. Thought or not is to seem real or hynoptically effected by energy as yet you can get aware quickly. Focus and will and you can control the dream state as alpha waves, here you creative focus and feel is to direct.
As the dream responds you control or are directed as you direct by gamma brain waves, thought or any disruption with a slap or water in the face you woke up as if a moment study were just a dream. Where if you think to know what you see you will, the area idea is from the y level perception or this. This is to create healing by the brain in use by thought that use and body adaptation can create energy with, thought to fix is by what you do as direct energy with an idea the heat is a shield as in energy to correct the aura and chakra points to focus people.
That is as you realize they weren't actually living it and therefore the idea wasn't real. This is also known as the 'lucid' dream state. Then focus on drawing in energy by meditation for at least the rest of the time, you remain awake as if coelescing the area is to form. As thought energy is activity and done by chi in use with activity, an yet you use focus to get stronger and better feel for the things you do as if ogre strength in a game of baldur's gate.
Seem is here as if not human and not be inhuman with nothing as mold energy as that is what you were or create as activity or things exist that is possible. Thought to be elsewhere is what you can seem, as noting differences or indifferences is what in energy creates by night and use is denature or regeneration by daylight.
Allow yourself to fall asleep with the thought of nightmareless sleep and protection from disruption by any disruptive by thought method. To focus thought energy to a drink, think a point is to lengthen your life as you think your brain uses the energy, as to send by in interring influence that you want as a touch is in mind energy by thought to yourself as the drink. Then returning it as if your own energy, to and of yourself by drinking it.
As in where things works, think to create a thought as you are aware nope or not. Think as you are thinking in ionic energy with feeling and you won't shift, as thought out moments could displace as in thought in mind if you think to heal. Think as energy to rejeuvenates by turmeric with soda water with passion fruit, as you see and use lime with oregano with stevia. Thank you and nope makes you less hunger, energy is activity but more stamina in idea by water use to drink.
Then there is not the diet of which you may partake. Choose the best for you according to the webmd magazine. When one chooses diet, they must understand body type. There are three types of bodies in which humans come. The type of body which is like Opra's or others. It will retain weight. So the opium effect of optimum choice is to eat lightly or be a body gaurd because this type is not beautiful. Also a manager position is good as the allure of beauty is not natural or there. The next type is the perfect body in which they can eat anything but not gain in use by any weight.
This is the type that is the trap type because of the prospect in which the body will gain slowly, nothing at all, or to lose weight slowly. When eating anything you like, try to make the chore of drinking 6 to 9 glasses a day of water. Three in the morning. Three at the middle of the day. Three at the nighttime period. This will keep the weight off perfectly and if you sleep you are a person in a dream wake that is aware state.
This is the thought use is sleep as you think but not in the idea to do things, as you think the idea you can create things as timing things you do you think to get the dream. This is where you are or think your aware, an as you get aware your aware your able to do and time manipulate. This is then by direct will in conscious as thought is sent energy and your energy can restore things, as if to think restir lost hopes and dreams and manipulate otherwise use is the idea to correct or make a thought to seem a thought.
Don't support now unless you have to, if in the mind or thought is a conscious awareness to direct the area energy, thought and control drop away as what you think is necessary to get your idea done. Finally, this is the last type as is the type that makes eating look fun. It is the type that can't gain weight. They can eat anything, do or not as they want but they maintain at the weight of thin nature.
This by the thought, "as I eat I lose the weight" this in essence as I imagine the weight not being there it is exercise; think and whatever the third eye does can take care of itself. As this is done as lost, and you have no excess by focus and you sometimes use what you lose. As if in action exercise or not as you can't do in things.
The next and near last item is the way of life. If thought the don't if you think it will go wrong. When in thought thinking about vampire, do meditation often and make life without disturbace unless that is your job or in your job. If "soe" that is where that creates a violent reaction to somewhat interesting points then make it where violence gives you peace like a scene of a violent movie can calm you down. So always keep on the edge with the feeling of thought or whatever you see on top of the moment. This is unless emotion is necessary, soothe with emotion music or not, as you are in an act as normal again came at a calming peace by acting as you need in the mind. As if not this isn't a movie.
When feeling emotion, always keep it under the lid or with what you want as in the body using the stress release meditation or the meditation how to as things could lead to high stress. Think of life in a strategic in strategy and tactical view point. Much like a chess board, players have their moments and so do you. Be able to outplay or create, them and even a loss is a win as if you fillibuster or not insanity.
Be willing to change your plans at or with in the last action moment. Plan points of escape in necessary moments in case of failing moments. Also say no in avarice to avoid attack, as for attacking this idea counts the most. Flow with life and not against it as if in a pattern which changes at a moments idea by you because life can pass you by. You decide the moment and fate works with you. All there is is to live through it. Be wise in your choice. If you don't want confrontation, see everything as challenge which must be resolved in a satisfactory or peaceful ending. Seek to terrorize in small ways the criminals to force them to a better way.
This is almost the last alternate version of living longer (similar to the Tai Chi Ch'uan thing, only not as hard as listed here in thought. Some described these as idea, and considering that it's kind of hard to test something like that before this idea is left to rot, I decided to cast out any doubt, paraphrase, and place it here.
There are three methods: One leaves you fat. One leaves you skinny. The third leaves you, uh... 'bare of things'. It'll make some sense soon, don't worry.
The 'fat' or phat one is done by feeling energy pass through your body, and freezing your cellular activity, except for your waste effects by thinking 'not wastes' to the point of not actually aging and doing too much activity. After that, it is done.
The 'skinny' one consists mainly of creating a gate. It has to be outside (or it can be a door leading outside - but, "you don't want visitors coming into your house through the gate"). Make sure when you build it up with the mind, to think it is to open into a 'safe area' of existence that is the same and similiar to your own. It can use any sort of gate as a base, and you do not need to have a gate which you are actually able to go through. It will still be powered by atoms a brought by your brainwaves which pass through it, when normally it would be powered by the motion of people.
"Focus on the ground see a pattern and see the trace of a gate, like a door, then walk through it in your mind and in physically. Think 'younger', 'repair' or 'reduce age' if you pass though it. This gate must be outside. Some make thier car door a temporary gate that goes to a safe area of (or?) dimension. Just touch it by mind or with body after seeing the gate there. As you pass through, the cell structure slows in aging. Lastly, unlocking your chakra points can be as simple as drinking charged drinks and stretching. Focus energy into your muscles as you stretch.
The 'bare of things' one is done by putting a little of your energy into several objects. Through using it and such, more energy builds up in the object. When it stops working for you in the way that you want it to, 'sacrifice' it by throwing it away and think that it will release the energy back to you. It will give you the energy once it is thrown out. Because you are throwing things away so often, you are left 'bare of things'.
Some rules to living longer are:
- Talk to someone and everyday an then you get 8 years back of your youthful life.
- Exercise everyday for 30 minutes or more on aerobics like walking.
- Do lifting strength exercises every day for at least 30 minutes.
- Do stamina training everyday like holding something for 30 minutes or similar exercises like crunches thought, as energy you direct is if push-ups, and leg curls or back push-ups.
- That is relax to think so feel is by what you seem to sense, so what you can seem or can create where can summarize to use. See your peace by mind is creative through, don't seem too lax the thought you have as a cool feel or use is hot.
Those rules above won't work by higher energy or thought that is stress, that is things that stress you out will cause you to not think better. That or your will is better thought by accepting with idea, soul is awakening meditation or thought with soothing music allow you unless prevention. That to live longer is not without teeth care so take care of the teeth or body, as you see you don't stress out or is not always by some idea thought. That is what you said with a calm, but smooth feel by idea with a thought that youuse or feel you create by tolerance.
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